Saturday, 31 December 2016

Year 2016's last GG post

I refuse to believe that this year has come to an end...its just yesterday I started making plans for the new year.

Alas! I don't have the magical powers  of stopping the let's move on and see what gift stitching I did since last post.

I have been feeling lost crafting see I have too many ideas in mind . I start with one idea and then end up not liking it. In this chaos, I have finished stitching some smalls which are being used for a new purpose as the old idea went poof.

First is this tiny card which I made and gave it to my friend E for her birthday .
Pattern name :Pudding
Source: CrossStitcher, Christmas 2008
Designer : Helen Philipps
Second is this Christmas card which I have sent to Shami .
Pattern name :Pudding
Source: CrossStitcher, Christmas 2008
Designer : Debbie Cripps
The reason I'm posting this update on last day of the month is that I wanted the receipients to get the gifts I have been making all thru the year.Very happy to report that 2 gifts were hand delivered and 3 sent thru post while  I was on vacation in India.
Now onto gifts received:
My mommy made me a knitted jacket;I received a beautiful package from Shami at my parents house after I left the place for catching my flight and a lovely pin cushion from a small handmade business owner as a thank you for a order.
Sorry I'm unable to add any pictures of the gifts received from my phone.I have struggled 2 hours to find out a solution to the problem with no success.
So I'm going to publish this post without the pictures of gifts received as I just cannot not post for GG. Come back for pics in a few days when I can access my computer.
Thank you for the gift of your friendship my friends , visiting my blog and leaving sweet comments .

Wishing you all a Happy and Blessed New Year.

Hello from Kansas City!!!

Hello and almost bye from Kansas City !!! 4 hrs until I leave for airport to start my 30 hour journey for home. This is my second time visit...