Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Gifted Gorgeousness SAL Feb Update

Hello Friends,

Thank you for the lovely comments on my last post and birthday wishes . My birthday this year was extra special  as my brother visited us here in Kuwait and we had a blast . We explored new places in Kuwait, ate good food and talked for hours. Isn't spending time with family the best way to celebrate a birthday?

I know I'm late for the GG post this month as I was saving the post to show you gifts I sent and received .

So here it goes, first are the gifts I received from my craft group for Valentine's day.

Starting from top: Crochet heart from Tammy, Middle one from Z, tiny yellow heart is my attempt to make a knitted heart and was given to DH.

This year I decided not to buy any stitchy gifts for my birthday as I'm trying to finish what I have in my stash. My humble stash of 3 years of cross stitching is nothing compared to what I see here on the blogging land but I have been trying to optimize what I buy and keep in my stash.

DH surprised me with this beautiful photo frame of my stitching finishes . I love it. I have been trying to make a dairy of my finishes with photos of projects and details, so this gift is right up my alley.In the center, it says "Wish you a stitchy year ahead"

Moving on to gifts made

Two small finishes for Tammy's birthday.

As I mentioned I have been optimizing my stash, I conducted a giveaway for a facebook group I moderate. Nothing fancy, few duplicate charts and patterns for cover kits I have stitched.

Last but not the least, is the gift I'm stitching for my bestie. Some progress since my last update , even though I made a big boo boo and I'm trying to work around it .

Bottom section

Top right
That's it for this month. Tomorrow starts March Madness for Theme-tas-stich SAL and I will  start a few small projects for that.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Theme-tas-stitch 2017:Focus Finish February

Hello Friends,

Its time for first check in for Theme-tas-stitch 2017 SAL. What's that I hear you ask? Theme-tas-stitch 2017 SAL is easy ,no fuss SAL being hosted by Kerry. Each month we are given a theme  and we choose a project which fits it.
The theme for February is Focus Finish . Work on a WIP in your stash that you would love to get finished.  When I joined the SAL I decided to focus on my Candamar Designs kit called Most Beautiful Things Picture, however I knew I can not finish it in one month. But I do want to finish this asap.

I have been able to add 2948 stitches since I started stitching for Focus Finish . I thought of tracking the number of stitches for this as it would give me a better perspective . Then I set up targets, 100 stitches in a week day and 400 stitches each day during the weekend. Looks easy right ...only if I stitch every day. I stitched 13 out of 20 days in February till now.

Here is a before and after picture.Sorry the pictures in night time under a lamp.

If I would have stitched all days and met my stitch target , I would have completed the project this month.
However, I'm happy to report that I have reached the full width and height of the project.

Not much stitching will happen in coming days as its my birthday and Kuwait National day celebrations next week. This is my favourite time of the year in Kuwait with everything decorated with lights.

I'm off to check what other participtants have stitched.

Hello from Kansas City!!!

Hello and almost bye from Kansas City !!! 4 hrs until I leave for airport to start my 30 hour journey for home. This is my second time visit...