Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Gifted Gorgeousness SAL November Update

Hello Friends,

Hope you all are well and preparing for winters.

The weather here has cooled down and I'm enjoying the pleasant wind.

On to crafting, I have a FINISH!!! Yes you read it right...a finish.

I finally knit last stitch on the baby blanket I was making for my friend's baby. I washed it (in a washing machine,after lot of apprehensions) , blocked it and now its ready to be gifted to the baby. Now the question is , how will I send it to the recipient !

Here are few pics of the finished piece, which don't do justice to the beauty it turned out to be. I think I should take some class how to photograph handmade items.

Trying to gauge whether the size is enough

First attempt at blocking

Better blocking this time

Finished and ready to be gifted

The blanket took much longer than I expected,but I satisfy myself by saying , Hey its still quicker than cross stitch .😉

As this is my first big knitting project , I learnt so many new things related to this form of needle craft. I have realised that I need a lot of help from real people while learning something new  , videos and photos don't help me much. I like to talk to crafters about what to do, how to do and specially discuss my fears if I think something is not right.

I know many crafters swear by You Tube , that how they have learned new crafts entirely from you tube..Well videos aren't for me. May be that explains why I never liked flosstube , I tried watching-3 times but never developed a taste for that.

I'm back to stitching my Candamar design WIP, hopefully I finish it before my next trip to India, because that is when I will meet my friend,intended recipient.

I also wanted to share with you my new hobby: Postcard exchange. Until few years back I didn't know the concept of sending and receiving postcards, and now I have a dedicated account on Instagram for this hobby. I have also joined Postcrossing back in June and I'm thoroughly enjoying knowing people from different countries.

If you are interested you can check my account on Instagram : @minizpostcards

That's it for this month, I hope to show you some progress on my cross stitch next month.

Hello from Kansas City!!!

Hello and almost bye from Kansas City !!! 4 hrs until I leave for airport to start my 30 hour journey for home. This is my second time visit...