Saturday, 21 March 2020

Gifted Gorgeousness SAL March 2020 update

Hello Friends,
It's that time of the month when we show what gifts we have been working on or/and what crafty gifts we have received. If you don't know what I'm talking about , check Jo's blog for more info. This is an easy SAL where you have a choice to stitch any designer, color or pattern, just that it should be a gift for someone or gift from someone.

I finished stitching the Lizzie Kate piece I showed you in my last GG update.My version:

This is how the original finished piece was supposed to look like

I decided not to stitch the beads but I may add them one day.The pattern was a giveaway win and the fabric was received in a swap.
14th of March was my husband's birthday and it has become a tradition to stitch something small for him every year, mostly a suprise. For last three years I have stitched a owl for him, as we both love owls. He once mentioned that enough of owls I decided to stitch something which he loves more than owl?-Cats
Its always fun to look for patterns in stash or online to meet liking of the recipients.I picked up a free pattern by Tom Pudding and started stitching.Unfortunately I wasn't able to finish it on time as I only get an hour of stitching when he is not around. I showed the incomplete piece to him on his birthday and he was still appreciative .

Another piece I can show in gifted category is this bookmark which I made for a bookmark swap in 2017, only to find my partner is allergic to felt. The same group was organising a  bookmark swap this month and I asked my partner about her allergies. She said she has none. Out came this bookmark from my stack of finished pieces.

The buttons were received in a swap with Preeti and the felt was given to me by my cat's earlier owners/parents.

Giveaway Update:
No one showed interest in the pattern I offered in my last GG post, so now the pattern is up for selling.
As we are talking about selling, I have first time put up some of my stash for selling on facebook. Most of the patterns were the ones I have already stitched and were beginner level so none of you blog friends would have liked it. 
I think with each passing year I'm becoming more and more particular about not hoarding things (OCD?). The moment I stop using a thing- be it a piece of cloth, footwear,bag,utensil or cross stitch pattern, I want it to give it away ASAP.
Its not a space problem or I need money, its just that my mind feels calm when I don't have extra things in my house.

Other life updates:
I hope you all are keeping safe with the pandemic hitting almost all countries of the world. My city is under lock down, I'm working from home and observing social distancing.
It was my birthday last month and I was spoil rotten by my husband. He got me a customised cake on theme of a Indian postcard as snail mailing is my new hobby.

 I also got a new phone and these beautiful flowers. We went for brunch and watched a movie . It was a lovely day.
This has become a long post. Ending with prayers for everyone to be safe and calm.

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Let The People Choose-March Update

Hello Friends,
First Saturday of the month I join Jo for The People's Choice SAL . Jo takes a poll for people to choose a topic for the month and the participants then post about stitchy projects related to that topic.

This month's topic is Coffee. I'm not a fan of hot drinks,be it tea or coffee. However I drink tea twice a day for psychological reasons.
When I started my career, people in my office used to take tea or coffee breaks. At first I didn't join them, then I realised these tea breaks were a way to relax one's eyes as we used to work on a computer for 9 hours, also time to chit chat a bit.
After working in the industry for 15 years , my mind asks for tea or coffee at defined hours of the day otherwise I feel tired.
I prefer coffee over tea , however coffee served in India contains milk and sugar unlike the bitter one I tasted on my first trip to USA.
During my time in Kuwait, I met people from all over the world and came to know that coffee is a big part of western culture. Our craft meetings were held in Coffee shops  and never in 4 years did I drink hot coffee.My go to drink was Frapuuchino.
Having said that I love cold coffee specially one served with one scoop with vanilla ice cream. Have you had one?
For obvious reasons I don't have any coffee patterns in my stash , however I stitched one for my friend in Kuwait.
This is a free pattern from kincavel krosses
I have saved this free pattern to be stitched for my coffee loving friends
Tea or coffee by Palko Lap 
Palko lap has many cute coffee patterns , go check the link out.

That's all I have to show related to Coffee.Have a nice day.

Hello from Kansas City!!!

Hello and almost bye from Kansas City !!! 4 hrs until I leave for airport to start my 30 hour journey for home. This is my second time visit...