Sunday, 16 August 2020

Let the People Choose-August Update

Hello Friends,
First Saturday of the month I join Jo for The People's Choice SAL . Jo takes a poll for people to choose a topic for the month and the participants then post about stitchy projects related to that topic.

This month's topic is Freedom.I have to be honest that I had no clue which project I can show for this topic , so I waited for Jo and other's interpretation.I was very tempted to copy Jo and Rachel's interpretation. 
Over the years I have seen tons of designs related to American Independence and patriotism but there aren't many related to other countries specifically India. So I decided to stitch something related to Indian independence as August is Independence Month for us Indians.
A stitched a small Indian flag and made into a fridge magnet . I think I'm very happy with result.Yesterday, my beautiful country completed 73 years of Independence.

This certainly has inspired me to stitch or look for more designs which show Indian culture .

Will keep this a short post, however I must ask how you are dealing with the new look of blogger. I have logged into blogger after a month and was surprised the new layout.Looks like I need some training to handle this new format.

Hello from Kansas City!!!

Hello and almost bye from Kansas City !!! 4 hrs until I leave for airport to start my 30 hour journey for home. This is my second time visit...