Sunday, 16 March 2025

Hello from Kansas City!!!

Hello and almost bye from Kansas City !!! 4 hrs until I leave for airport to start my 30 hour journey for home.

This is my second time visiting Kansas city , both times for work.

Interesting fact about Kansas city is it lies between two states -Missouri and Kansas. I go to work and stay in different cities :)

I couldn't have asked for a better weather to cold weather loving body enjoyed it so much.

I got to see a blizzard with snow, super hot sunny days, winds upto 50mph and rain..all in 12 days. And its snowing as I write the blog.

This time I got to do one of my most favourite things - attend a craft meetup at a local craft cafe when travelling to a new country. I have done that before twice in past, I just realised may be I didn't share about it.

Last time I visited Kansas city , I came with colleagues so didn't think of doing my hobby stuff...however this time I started looking up yarn /craft stores, meetups a month in advance.

I asked my one and only local friend if she would like to attend a meetup, she agreed. So last Saturday we drove to this quaint yarn store who hosts social hours regularly. The day I went there, there was a trunk show. 

My knitting

Yarns by Yarniculture

To my surprise , it was a big turn out. We almost ran out of space to sit. 20 + people sat in this beautiful cafe knitting, crocheting , chatting for 2 hours. Oh I loved it!!!

I have talked about attending meetups during my travels, and people have told me its a novel .. most people don't even think of that. My friend  was suprised to know how many craft stores I knew her city. 

After the meetup , we went for lunch...I will cover that in my next post..

Wish me luck for a long journey home.

Thursday, 6 February 2025

Let's try this again!!

Hi Blog Friends,

Exactly 1 year ago I posted on this blog trying to explain why I have been absent for years...

I was expecting little more engagement and may be got discouraged by the absence of comments on that post.

Though I have not been blogging this last year, I have been reading blogs on my reading list and leaving comments here and there.

Today I observed that some bloggers continue to blog even if there is no engagement from readers. This got me to thinking that may be I should also start blogging may not serve the purpose of connecting with other cross stitchers , at least it will serve as a diary for my projects .

You see when I started blogging in 2014, it was to connect with other cross stitchers around the world . Instagram was still new and not used for cross stitch by many people . Blog and Facebook groups were common media for cross stitch related interactions back then. 

Things have certainly changed in last 10 years, people are moving to more easier to use platform -Instagram . So many bloggers stopped blogging ...Hats off to the ones who still blog regularly .

I don't want to give up on blogging yet , so here I am ...

Sharing a project which I finished in Mar 2021. This was custom order from my close friend for her nephew. I gave here the design options and she picked this one.

The recipient lived close by to my then house, so I hand delivered it .

              Pattern name :Ten Tiny Toes Sampler
              Designer: DMC
               Pattern source: DMC

I still enjoy this finish ..hope you do too.

Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Hi, it's me!!

Hello Blog world, Its been two years since I posted on this blog, not sure if anyone follows me now. 

Its a new year, best time to start /restart something ..It has bugged me a lot that I gave up on blogging for such a long time. The main reason I wasn't blogging was I wasn't cross stitching this is mainly a cross stitch blog , I couldn't find a reason to blog. 
Not sure if anyone noticed my absence or cares ...but I still feel I owe a reason for my disappearance. I lost my father in May 2021 ...and it just turned my world upside down.
Within a span of next 3 months, I lost my paternal aunt, my maternal aunt and a cousin to COVID. Though these family members weren't directly involved in my hobbies, I lost my motivation to do anything creative with so much sorrow in the family. 
I cross stitched a total 5-6 days on 2022-2023, so don't have much to show. However I recently finished a project I started in April 2021, will share it in next post if there is some interest.

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Gifted Gorgeousness SAL April 2021 update

 Hello Friends,

It's that time of the month when we show what gifts we have been working on or/and what crafty gifts we have received. If you don't know what I'm talking about , check Jo's blog for more info. This is an easy SAL where you have a choice to stitch any designer, color or pattern, just that it should be a gift for someone or gift from someone.

I can't believe I'm posting on 15th itself...its a miracle. Also my first GG post for the year.
First up is a gift I made for my mother , a pillow ornament  which turned out to be bigger than expected.
The pattern was a part of subscription gift of India's only craft magazine "Anchor Needle n thread " , it was a cover kit with fabric, floss and pattern.
This was my first time stitching on canvas and second time stitching with metallic thread. I'm rather proud of my hand sewing skills here.

Pattern from Anchor Needle n thread magazine

In January, I got around to getting my few of my finished projects framed. Below piece was delayed for framing as I wasn't able to get a proper charm. I had to get it reframed as the first time the fabric wasn't properly aligned. This was a birthday gift for my husband last year.
Pattern name :Without a Cat
Designer: Jan Eaton
Pattern source: Tom Pudding Designs

I'll save the other framed pieces for next month. Feels nice to post on time..
Take care and stay safe

Sunday, 4 April 2021

Let the People Choose-April 2021 Update

Hello Friends,

First Saturday of the month I join Jo for The People's Choice SAL, however its been half a year I last joined. Jo takes a poll for people to choose a topic for the month and the participants then post about stitchy projects related to that topic.

This month's topic is Blue. Blue is a lovely color and at one stage of my life, most of my clothes were blue.
As blue is such a lovely color, it finds its way in many cross stitch designs . I will share few finished projects which are predominantly blue:
Annee Du Lapin
Freebie by Gazette94

Say it with stitches
Designer: Rhona Norrie
Pattern source: Freebie from

Designer: Susan Bates
Freebie from

Cat Trio
Designer: Durene Jones
Pattern source: TWOCS Magazine,Feb 2016

One that is a long time WIP:

Indian Peacock By Dimensions

There are few other blue projects I have finished, I will save them for future themes.
Happy Sunday.

Thursday, 24 December 2020

Gifted Gorgeousness SAL December 2020 update

Hello Friends,

It's that time of the month(I know I know, its late to say that) when we show what gifts we have been working on or/and what crafty gifts we have received. If you don't know what I'm talking about , check Jo's blog for more info. This is an easy SAL where you have a choice to stitch any designer, color or pattern, just that it should be a gift for someone or gift from someone.

Not much stitching happening these days, that's the reason I'm not posting here. Wonder if anybody even noticed my absence?
Clare sent me photograph of the fully finished flower I stitched for her Church Christmas tree . How very kind of her to remember to send pics to the contributors!
She finished it beautifully in a flat fold ornament, you can read about her tree here.
Another gift which was stitched in 2018 but was used now is this ornament I gifted to my penpal for her birthday today.
This was a cover kit from The World of Cross Stitching Magazine and was received in an exchange with Kerry, who no longer blogs.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Saturday, 17 October 2020

Gifted Gorgeousness SAL October 2020 update

 Hello Friends,

It's that time of the month when we show what gifts we have been working on or/and what crafty gifts we have received. If you don't know what I'm talking about , check Jo's blog for more info. This is an easy SAL where you have a choice to stitch any designer, color or pattern, just that it should be a gift for someone or gift from someone.

I have a small gift to show you this month . I was finally able to stitch and send a flower for Clare's flower bouqet. Second week of March I found Clare's post where she asked "Could you help me make a bouquet?". I emailed her about the requirements and address. 
And then the pandemic started. Mail service was shut down from March to July. When mail service resumed in August, I sent  a test mail to UK to see if things were working. Thankfully the mail reached and I started stitching flower for Clare's bouqet.

Designer -Amanda Gregory
Pattern from Ultimate CrossStitch Flowers, 2016

I'm glad to report the Clare received the flower .This is Amanda Gregory's pattern taken from Ultimate CrossStitch Flowers, 2016. The magazine was a free gift for I-phone users.
Cross stitching has taken a back seat and I have been participating in snail mail and postcard swaps.
Not cross stitch related but I though I will share with you guys anyways.

In July, I participated in Junk Mail swap. The idea was to use stuff we have in our stash and not buy anything new.
I made a coaster from an old T-shirt , upcycled some packing materials to make postcards and envelopes.I also made these Yo Yos from extra fabric I had from a dress.

In September I participated in Rain postcard swap. I didn't have any printed postcard for the theme, so I decided to draw some.

October was Mini Autumn swap, again I didn't have any printed postcard for the theme, so I decided to draw some. The requirement of the swap was to write a letter, include a bookmark or tag . Thankfully I had a perfect bookmark , which I made in May, for the theme.

Happy to report all the swap packages were well received. I had so much fun making these packages , it pushed me to try my hands at doodling , not to mention take a good look at my stationary stash.

The pandemic situation hasn't improved in my city , however things are opening up for business now.
Hope you guys are safe .

Hello from Kansas City!!!

Hello and almost bye from Kansas City !!! 4 hrs until I leave for airport to start my 30 hour journey for home. This is my second time visit...