Thursday, 30 June 2016

KTAA Exhibition/Tassel workshop/WWKIP day

Hello Friends,

Another month has come to end and it’s hard to believe that half of the year has passed.

Things are quite in my corner of the world and my plans to stitch more with reduced working hours this month went down the drain. You ask what happened…well nothing ..I have been just myself …lazy bum.

I have been wanting to write this post since a few days and then delaying it for so many reasons which my mind keeps coming up with.

So here it is…I would like to share with you pictures of a few craft events I participated and/or attended.

First is the Annual Kuwait Textile Art Association Exhibition I visited on 24th May. This was my first time attending the event and it was until my friend sent below picture of a cross stitched piece in the exhibition that I decided to attend.

 It was such an amazing experience to look at these beautiful pieces of craft in person. Though Quilting dominated the show, there were display of crochet, embroidery and cross stitch too. Once I found out that there is category for cross stitch, I inquired about the details for participation. 
Embroidery piece which stood 3rd in the exhibition

1st Prize-Cross stitch category

The quilt in the centre with the face won 1st prize in Quilting Category

Next is a workshop I attended called “Decorative Tassles” on 28th May. This was organized by Sadu House. A small description of Sadu House “Al Sadu Society is dedicated to preserving, documenting and promoting the rich and diverse textile heritage of the Kuwaiti Bedouin, from the nomadic weaving of the desert through to the urban weaving of the town.”
The idea of the workshop was to involve common people for development of Al Shaheed Park which is a community park project undertaken by government and various organizations. The workshop was conducted by Leslie Robertson, US Fulbright Specialist and a local crochet designer.
We were taught how to make tassels with normal yarn first and then with locally hand woven yarn. The ones made with hand woven yarn will be displayed in the park.  
Learning to make tassel stem

Two tassels I made which will be displayed in the park

As you know I was involved in organizing World Wide Knit in Public day here in Kuwait. The event was a success and we had a humble attendance of 8. A mix of crocheters, cross stitcher and knitters. Few pictures:

I made badges for the attendees and everyone liked it.  

My friend ZoZo gifted these goodie bags to all participants.

I don’t have any stitching progress to show you this time, however I’m very excited to be participating in Just one July SAL organized by Justine starting tomorrow. I will be stitching Flower of the Month piece for this SAL.

That's it for today...Hope you have a blessed July.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Gifted Gorgeousness SAL June update

Hello Friends,

Thank you for your kind comments on my last post.

It's that time of the month when we show what gifts we have been working on or gifts received.
Gifted Gorgeousness is Jo's baby and the idea is to show what we are stitching as gifts . Also to show our appreciation for the gifts (charts,fabric,floss etc.) we have received

I will start with my focus piece for this month which will be a gift for my bestie.

Candamar design called "Most beautiful thing"

Second is a gift for my aunt . The fabric was given to me by a generous lady Mrs. G whom I met in London thru facebook.
Progress on September Flower. 
Pattern Source EMS FOTM series

Lastly , as I have now decided to gift the HoM Mystery SAL piece to one of my college friends, I will show it once more.

I received this beautiful crochet bookmark from ZoZo ,one of the members of my craft group. She is such a talented crocheter and doesn't need patterns to make stuff. One glance at finished piece and she can stitch it.

I have been making other crafty things ,not cross stitch related, which I will show in my next post.

18th June is World Wide Knit in Public day and I'm looking forward to meeting my friends and new people for the event.

I know some of you knit too. Are you participating in the KIP in your area?If you need information about locations of the event,visit the website

That's the news from my corner of the world.I'm off to see what beauties you have been making.

Hello from Kansas City!!!

Hello and almost bye from Kansas City !!! 4 hrs until I leave for airport to start my 30 hour journey for home. This is my second time visit...