Sunday, 31 July 2016

July wrap up

Hello Friends,
Another month has come to an end and it's time for a monthly report.

I participated in Just one July SAL organised by Justine this month. As you know ,I have been stitching my EMS Flower of the Month project for this SAL.Here are some progress shots:
Left shows my progress before the start of  SAL.
Completed September flower on 7-Jul-16
Worked on some borders
Finished October flower on 23-Jul-16
Progress on November flower as on 30-Jul-16
I have now decided to stitch this piece until its completed.

Remember I told you I will show you some stash in my next post.My friend K is back from States and has bought me goodies.
First is my win from Mii Stitch's fourth blog anniversary giveaway.Thanks Mii, I love it!

Did I tell you that I have been tempted to buy Dimensions Kits since long? I love the designs they have to offer . However, I had read about how the aida in kits is rough and stiff and people run out of floss.To avoid these problems, I was looking to buy only a chart . Didn't get much success in that.So, I went ahead and bought a design which has been on my wish list

Isn't these beautiful? Do you know Peacock is National Bird of India? This is my first time buying cross stitch item from Ebay and I was a bit skeptical based on the feedback on various forums. Thank God , the seller sent me an original kit.

Here is my monthly stitching pie or should I say crafting pie
I have often mentioned that I'm part of a wonderful craft group here in Kuwait and we have regular meetups .We usually meet in coffee shops like Starbucks however it has been my intention to meet at new places so that we can explore Kuwait along with crafting.
Mid of July we met at a coffee shop called Lobelia Cafe. Its a small coffee shop with a vintage chic theme and the colors used are white and pink.The cafe has a sea view and we enjoyed our time there.

Yesterday we met at THE One, which is a cafe and Furniture store , isn't that a quirky combination
You can see a price tag hanging from one of the chairs here.

Thank you for your feedback on the blogger issues. Trust me I'm not as worried about the number of comments on my blog as about my posts showing up on the dashboard of  my followers.Turns out one of my followers wasn't able to see them .
Blogger issues still continue as I saw some weird feed on other blogger accounts. Hope the blogger team works on this soon.

It's time for our annual vacation and me and DH are busy planning . Any guesses what our destination country is this time?

Have a happy Sunday .

Friday, 15 July 2016

Gifts galore

Hello Friends,

Its time for Gifted Gorgeousness, a SAL hosted by Jo,where we show what gifts we have been working on or gifts received.

Let me treat you with some eye candy ...

Hubby flew to India to help his mother move to a new house and ever since the tickets were booked, he kept on asking me what gifts he should get me. Well, I helped him by letting him know what I didn't

Look what he bought me 

Some beautiful yarn for my knitting/crochet adventures, books of my favourite authors,a diary to write my journal, beautiful ribbons and rings to hold my floss a way bags.
Aren't our partners blessed to have us,females with hobbies? Giving gifts becomes so much easier when people have hobbies don't you think...

Next is a gift ,partially bought using my birthday money from my brother .

I have been inspired by my craft group and blog friends to crochet and knit since long and I thought its about time I got some supplies.

Talking of craft group, some gifts from ladies in my craft group.

A crochet jar topper and perforated paper. My friend E has been cross stitching since few months now and wanted to try perforated paper. So when she bought some online ,she gave me this sheet to try. Isn't that  kind and thoughtful?

I have been working on making some gifts too..
First of is the Candamar design project I'm making for my bestie. Here is a pic of how it looked when I took it off my rotation.

Second is my EMS Flower of the month piece which I'm making for my Aunt.I have started stitching the October flower- Calendula.

I clicked a picture of how the whole piece looks when I moved the q snaps.It may not seem much, but I have been working on the borders for the flowers I completed before.

I'm targeting to finish this piece in July as part of Just one July SAL. However, if I don't , I will continue to stitch this in August until I complete it.

I started a new gift yesterday, this time a knitting project. This is a scarf with the simplest of knitting stitches. It will be a gift for my husband's cousin who lives in cold climates of Scotland and I guess she will put it to good use.

That's all I have to show you for GG SAL.I have will some goodies to show you in my next post:some giveaway wins and some stash.

Blogging Woes:
I have observed that number of comments on my blog have gone down.I know, I don't have many followers but the number of comments is no where close to half of my followers. So I wanted to know how do you follow my blog and do you see my posts in your blog reader?As much as I appreciate your comments, I would love to hear more from you.
Another blog issue I'm facing is delay in seeing blog posts from one particular blogger I follow. The updates are more than 24 hours late and I miss participating in various activities on her blog. Any idea how can I solve this problem?

I'm off to see what beautiful gifts you have been working on ...

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Just one July progress

Hello Friends,
Just a quick update to show you first week progress on Just one July SAL hosted by Justine.I have selected to stitch my flower of the month project for this SAL.This series is a freebie from Ellen Maurer-Stroh and each flower block is of size 63*63.
Its a long weekend here in Kuwait and yesterday I was able to stitch for almost 4 hours.Here is a picture of the September flower -Aster,before I started stitching it this month.
And here is a picture of what it looks like today
I have decided to stitch the border around the flowers as I go rather than doing it all in the end.I'm now working on June flower "Wild Rose" border.I forgot to print the pattern for next flower in the series ,so I would have to stick with border anyway 😄
Today we had guests for dinner and I ended up cooking too much food.With two more days to the weekend and food cooked for next 2 meals ,I should be able to make some significant stitching progress .

Hello from Kansas City!!!

Hello and almost bye from Kansas City !!! 4 hrs until I leave for airport to start my 30 hour journey for home. This is my second time visit...