Friday, 15 July 2016

Gifts galore

Hello Friends,

Its time for Gifted Gorgeousness, a SAL hosted by Jo,where we show what gifts we have been working on or gifts received.

Let me treat you with some eye candy ...

Hubby flew to India to help his mother move to a new house and ever since the tickets were booked, he kept on asking me what gifts he should get me. Well, I helped him by letting him know what I didn't

Look what he bought me 

Some beautiful yarn for my knitting/crochet adventures, books of my favourite authors,a diary to write my journal, beautiful ribbons and rings to hold my floss a way bags.
Aren't our partners blessed to have us,females with hobbies? Giving gifts becomes so much easier when people have hobbies don't you think...

Next is a gift ,partially bought using my birthday money from my brother .

I have been inspired by my craft group and blog friends to crochet and knit since long and I thought its about time I got some supplies.

Talking of craft group, some gifts from ladies in my craft group.

A crochet jar topper and perforated paper. My friend E has been cross stitching since few months now and wanted to try perforated paper. So when she bought some online ,she gave me this sheet to try. Isn't that  kind and thoughtful?

I have been working on making some gifts too..
First of is the Candamar design project I'm making for my bestie. Here is a pic of how it looked when I took it off my rotation.

Second is my EMS Flower of the month piece which I'm making for my Aunt.I have started stitching the October flower- Calendula.

I clicked a picture of how the whole piece looks when I moved the q snaps.It may not seem much, but I have been working on the borders for the flowers I completed before.

I'm targeting to finish this piece in July as part of Just one July SAL. However, if I don't , I will continue to stitch this in August until I complete it.

I started a new gift yesterday, this time a knitting project. This is a scarf with the simplest of knitting stitches. It will be a gift for my husband's cousin who lives in cold climates of Scotland and I guess she will put it to good use.

That's all I have to show you for GG SAL.I have will some goodies to show you in my next post:some giveaway wins and some stash.

Blogging Woes:
I have observed that number of comments on my blog have gone down.I know, I don't have many followers but the number of comments is no where close to half of my followers. So I wanted to know how do you follow my blog and do you see my posts in your blog reader?As much as I appreciate your comments, I would love to hear more from you.
Another blog issue I'm facing is delay in seeing blog posts from one particular blogger I follow. The updates are more than 24 hours late and I miss participating in various activities on her blog. Any idea how can I solve this problem?

I'm off to see what beautiful gifts you have been working on ...


  1. Flowers of the month is looking amazing. Sorry to hear about your blogging woes. I don't have any suggestions, I try not to worry about how many comments I get its less stressful that way.

  2. You certainly have got lovely new goodies and one more to come too, eventually ;)
    Love the flower stitching, it's so colourful.
    I too have much less comments than followers. My views have gone crazy high since a few months back, I reckon there is a problem with Blogger but as Kerry put it, I'm not worrying about it, I'm just happy sharing my work with whoever is happy to look (and comment) at it :)

  3. Hi Mini!! I have noticed that comment numbers on my blog are down too. I wonder if it has something to do with it being summer and people having less time to leave comments? I use netvibes for following blogs and I only check it once a day so I miss out on things sometimes too.

    Your hubby brought you some lovely gifts!! And I really like the scarf you are making! Your butterflies and flowers both look lovely! You have been busy!

  4. You've received some lovely gifts. The flowers of the month piece is beautiful

  5. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. You have received some lovely presents, it certainly makes it easy for people to give us what we want!
    I agree with Khristine, I'm commenting less and focusing on people I have followed for a long while and people who comment regularly on my blog.
    The number of followers doesn't correlate with comments either, the longer you blog the more "extinct" followers you have! Many of mine no longer blog or comment. Page views is the same, GG posts get ten times the view of a usual post but about the same number of comments.
    I find I get more comments if I ask a specific question - people do like to give their opinions!
    Regarding the delayed blog posts, what Reader do you use? I use Feedly which seems to update pretty quickly.

  6. Those are lovely gifts from your DH. The flowers are beautiful - I've stitched several of them as individual projects. Really like the wool you are knitting with - that will be a very pretty scarf.

  7. Great gifts - your friends and husband know you well! I love your Flowers of the Month, the calendula are just as pretty as the others. Hope JOJ helps you to finish it.
    I don't check page views but don't receive quite as many comments as I did a few months ago. I'm not worried about it. I follow you via Bloglovin and seem to get all of your blog posts.

  8. Love the yarn you got! It looks like cotton candy colors. And glad to see you progressing so much on the FoTM! :D

    Can't say my comments have ever matched my followers! Like Jo said, many are no longer using blogger. And of course I haven't had much time to comment on other blogs which means less on mine. :) Maybe more people are out enjoying the fire of summer (or freeze of winter for our southern friends).

    I use NewsFox, an add-on for the Firefox browser. It works well enough for me; no missing entries but sometimes getting them to display properly is another matter! If there is an error in the post, it "breaks" the viewer for that page.

  9. Perfect gifted post, love the gifts you received, yarn looks pretty. I bought one of those circulare knitting needle but never dare trying it, must find a tuto to help me get comfortable with it. Your progress on flowers are nice too. xxx

  10. The presents you got look amazing, I love the yarn =) Your flowers of the month look amazing, the color are so pretty =)

    I use a feed reader on my mac called "vienna". I sued to go with newsfire, but that stopped working (didn't update, crashed all the time, I couldn't open posts in my browser). Vienna is ok, but since a few updates ago it does funny things. It sometimes doesn't load new posts from various blogs and then, after a few months, the entries suddenly appear and I am a few months behind. I usually read through the posts, but I only comment on the newest ones.

    I also have way more followers than commenters and also more page views. I agree with Jo, I know a lot of people who used to comment and whose blogs I used to comment on, but they just quit blogging. I think some of them switched from blogging to floss tube and are more active in the community there. But as long as there are people out there who like to view my blog and a few who comment, I will just keep blogging =)

  11. I enjoyed reading your GG post again this month. I do love those EMS flowers - they look so pretty. Your Aunt is very lucky. I have to admit that I only pop in to your blog to see the GG post each month. If you get comments from half your followers then you do so much better than me - I get comments from way less than 10% of mine!

    1. Thanks for your sweet comment.
      Ha Ha Don't worry about it..I too visits your blog for GG post only.

  12. Your EMS flower project is looking so gorgeous !!:) I sowed calendula seeds and I have got some germinated too, let's see how many survive.
    Your husband got lovely gifts for you and I am sure with your hobbies, he will never run out of gift ideas:)
    I use regular blogger dashboard to see the latest post. Comments and followers don't match at all. I have close to 300 followers and obviously I cannot read all posts, same is the case with others too. But somehow I feel bad when I find some regular visitor not commenting on mine while they are on blogland commenting on others. Sometime they come back but after my regular visits, if they don't return then slowly I too stop
    commenting. We like seeing others' creations and we want others to see ours. One way relationship can happen only if someone is outstandingly a great artist.

    1. Thanks for your comment.
      I also use regular blogger dashboard to see the posts from blogs I follow.
      I feel the same way you as "feeling bad when regular visitor not commenting on mine while they are on blogland commenting on others.Sometime they come back but after my regular visits, if they don't return then slowly I too stop
      commenting. We like seeing others' creations and we want others to see ours. One way relationship can happen only if someone is outstandingly a great artist. "

  13. EMS flowers progress looking gorgeous Mini.

    Regarding the visibility and comments, I think social media have grown so much and so people visiting blogs have reduced. Im talking from my experience. When i started blogging in 2005, there was no other way to share our work online. so everyone used to wait to see the updates in others blog. Now i see more responses for the pictures i post on FB....I can see traffic to my blog from the link i post on FB. but not a single person post a comment on the blog other than the usual bloggers. Me too have reduced visiting blogs, because there are many other sources for i keep some time once in a while to visit my regular blogger friends who comment on my blog. There was a time when i used to watch dashboard to see the updates on others blog.

    1. Thank you for the comment.
      I hear what you say about how so many social media platforms are now available to show our work .
      I'm pretty new to blogging may be that's why I'm still excited about getting blog comments.
      I'm part of few cross stitch groups on Facebook , however only 1-2 bloggers are part of these groups.
      Anyways,as everybody says I should not worry about too much.

  14. Beautiful stitching! I just found your blog through Jo from her GG post here-
    which I am thinking of joining up next month. As far as commenters and followers and seeing post. I've been blogging for a year now, I use the regular blogger dashboard and see when someone post something new. I always look forward to seeing post. Happy Stitching! ~ C's Cross Stitch Creations ~

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog and your sweet comment.
      It would be nice to see you joining GG SAL. It's my fav SAL !

      I'm pretty new to blogging too and also use regular blogger dashboard.
      However, since last week there has been a significant delay in seeing the posts. The posts appear late on my dashboard feed.

  15. Hello Mini
    What a beautiful gifts :)
    Your flower sal is growing nicely i loved every flower of it :)
    Your butterfly project looks lovely and colour full
    I dont get a email when you made a new post
    I need to look into that, it would be easier i think :)
    Now i just visit other peoples post when i find the time to read them
    I wish you a lovely weekend

  16. I agree with you - finding gifts for people with hobbies is always so easy. When someone doesn't have hobby that they like it' mostly difficult to find something appropriate. Great gifts that your husband brought you. And another great haul that you got for your birthday money. I'm sure that you will be busy with all of that for a while.

    I always love to see the monthly flowers by EMS. And you have already stitched a lot of them. This is a great project for Justine's Just One July.

    There are less and less bloggers visiting other bloggers and leaving a comment. I still love doing so because I'm not on FB nor on IG or other social platforms. People say that it's so much easier to just press the like button on FB, and it certainly is. But I prefer the more personal way of blogging and leaving comments.

    1. I forgot to say that I have the feedly reader and that your blog posts appear in it after posting. So I think I have never missed any of your blog posts.

  17. Hello Mini!

    What a lovely post you wrote. The gifts to the crafting friends and relatives really are very easy to buy-for example my dear mother is knitter and she loves to get new yarns.Both the butterfly piece and the flowers you stitch are so pretty. I really am happy that i have found your blog !

  18. Great gifts make for a wonderful GG post!!
    I use Feedly and Bloglovin for my blog reading... Feedly is my preferred option but Bloglovin sends me an email with new posts.... but... I just never seem to have time to get around to all to the blogs that I follow anymore! I used to do my blog reading at work during lunch but now I tend to work through so that time is also gone... My comments have always been way less than my followers but that's ok as the stats show that people are visiting (not that I get a chance to update my blog regularly anymore either!) Think it will have to be a 2017 resolution to be a more active blogger!! :o)
    Hugs xx


Hello from Kansas City!!!

Hello and almost bye from Kansas City !!! 4 hrs until I leave for airport to start my 30 hour journey for home. This is my second time visit...