Saturday, 17 October 2020

Gifted Gorgeousness SAL October 2020 update

 Hello Friends,

It's that time of the month when we show what gifts we have been working on or/and what crafty gifts we have received. If you don't know what I'm talking about , check Jo's blog for more info. This is an easy SAL where you have a choice to stitch any designer, color or pattern, just that it should be a gift for someone or gift from someone.

I have a small gift to show you this month . I was finally able to stitch and send a flower for Clare's flower bouqet. Second week of March I found Clare's post where she asked "Could you help me make a bouquet?". I emailed her about the requirements and address. 
And then the pandemic started. Mail service was shut down from March to July. When mail service resumed in August, I sent  a test mail to UK to see if things were working. Thankfully the mail reached and I started stitching flower for Clare's bouqet.

Designer -Amanda Gregory
Pattern from Ultimate CrossStitch Flowers, 2016

I'm glad to report the Clare received the flower .This is Amanda Gregory's pattern taken from Ultimate CrossStitch Flowers, 2016. The magazine was a free gift for I-phone users.
Cross stitching has taken a back seat and I have been participating in snail mail and postcard swaps.
Not cross stitch related but I though I will share with you guys anyways.

In July, I participated in Junk Mail swap. The idea was to use stuff we have in our stash and not buy anything new.
I made a coaster from an old T-shirt , upcycled some packing materials to make postcards and envelopes.I also made these Yo Yos from extra fabric I had from a dress.

In September I participated in Rain postcard swap. I didn't have any printed postcard for the theme, so I decided to draw some.

October was Mini Autumn swap, again I didn't have any printed postcard for the theme, so I decided to draw some. The requirement of the swap was to write a letter, include a bookmark or tag . Thankfully I had a perfect bookmark , which I made in May, for the theme.

Happy to report all the swap packages were well received. I had so much fun making these packages , it pushed me to try my hands at doodling , not to mention take a good look at my stationary stash.

The pandemic situation hasn't improved in my city , however things are opening up for business now.
Hope you guys are safe .


  1. Hi Mini,
    Happy to see you finished your flower and were able to send it, and especially that it reached Clare safely! I finished mine too, and Clare has it now!
    My you have been busy will all your different crafts! I love the umbrella, very pretty!
    Covid seems to be increasing here again, glad to hear things are improving over there.
    Take care, stay safe!
    Barbara xx 😊

  2. Your stitched magnolia is lovely. Clare's tree is going to be amazing. You have been productive this month. I enjoyed reading about your gift exchanges.

  3. Great ideas for your rain theme cards. The magnolia flower is lovely. xxx

  4. Oh my that Magnolia is beautiful.
    Lovely gifts.
    Many sweet cards.


  5. I love the flower you stitched! It is so pretty :) And I loved seeing your swaps! So clever of you to use an old t-shirt :) We are doing well here. A case now and then but they are so quick on the contact tracing that we don't have many worries. I hope things improve in your area soon!

  6. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. The magnolia is beautiful. My parents had a large magnolia tree in their front garden at their previous, it was gorgeous.
    The postcard swaps look like fun and I am glad everything arrived safely.
    The best gift is that you are safe and well too!

  7. You certainly are keeping yourself crafty and busy. You know how jealous I am that you are able to send and receive mail. So fun! The stitched magnolia is really lovely. Glad to see via IG that you have been able to get out and explore. Take care.

  8. P.S. I was born in Mississippi and the magnolia happens to be the state flower. :)

  9. Pretty stitched flower for Clare, mine was held up reaching her too. Fancy making a coaster from an old t-shirt and the yo-yos are very pretty. Covid on the increase here again in Spain, getting serious.

  10. Thank you so much for my flower, it's beautiful.

  11. Oh, that flower is lovely, and all your swaps look like so much fun!


Hello from Kansas City!!!

Hello and almost bye from Kansas City !!! 4 hrs until I leave for airport to start my 30 hour journey for home. This is my second time visit...