Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Hi, it's me!!

Hello Blog world, Its been two years since I posted on this blog, not sure if anyone follows me now. 

Its a new year, best time to start /restart something ..It has bugged me a lot that I gave up on blogging for such a long time. The main reason I wasn't blogging was I wasn't cross stitching ...as this is mainly a cross stitch blog , I couldn't find a reason to blog. 
Not sure if anyone noticed my absence or cares ...but I still feel I owe a reason for my disappearance. I lost my father in May 2021 ...and it just turned my world upside down.
Within a span of next 3 months, I lost my paternal aunt, my maternal aunt and a cousin to COVID. Though these family members weren't directly involved in my hobbies, I lost my motivation to do anything creative with so much sorrow in the family. 
I cross stitched a total 5-6 days on 2022-2023, so don't have much to show. However I recently finished a project I started in April 2021, will share it in next post if there is some interest.

Hello from Kansas City!!!

Hello and almost bye from Kansas City !!! 4 hrs until I leave for airport to start my 30 hour journey for home. This is my second time visit...