Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Hi, it's me!!

Hello Blog world, Its been two years since I posted on this blog, not sure if anyone follows me now. 

Its a new year, best time to start /restart something ..It has bugged me a lot that I gave up on blogging for such a long time. The main reason I wasn't blogging was I wasn't cross stitching ...as this is mainly a cross stitch blog , I couldn't find a reason to blog. 
Not sure if anyone noticed my absence or cares ...but I still feel I owe a reason for my disappearance. I lost my father in May 2021 ...and it just turned my world upside down.
Within a span of next 3 months, I lost my paternal aunt, my maternal aunt and a cousin to COVID. Though these family members weren't directly involved in my hobbies, I lost my motivation to do anything creative with so much sorrow in the family. 
I cross stitched a total 5-6 days on 2022-2023, so don't have much to show. However I recently finished a project I started in April 2021, will share it in next post if there is some interest.


  1. I'd love to see what you've finished! And my condolences on all of your losses. I hope you can begin to find pleasure and peace in your stitching agsin!

  2. I can't seem to long in to comment, so let's do it this way - it's good to have you back after all this time!

  3. What a treat to see a new post from you!!! I'm so sorry for your losses. We will always be here to read a new post whenever you feel like making one :)


Hello from Kansas City!!!

Hello and almost bye from Kansas City !!! 4 hrs until I leave for airport to start my 30 hour journey for home. This is my second time visit...