Monday, 15 June 2015

Gifted Gorgeousness SAL June Update and Lovely WWKIP Day

I was so excited to write this post that I prepared a draft on Saturday evening hoping to post first thing on Sunday, only to realize that it isn't 15 on Sunday ...

This time for the GG SAL, I have two finishes to show

I finally put last stitch on the Sunflower bouquet on Friday evening and it turned out more beautiful than I expected. This is a retirement gift for a very generous colleague.

After the initial hick ups of bad chart quality and not having required floss, the second innings went smooth. I  skipped backstitching the flowers (You all know my fear of backstitching, don't you !) .This may be my best attempt at backstitching
Here is a close up of the stitches.

Notice how in the second pic , stitches are in all directions. This is my first project where I tried having all my \\\\ and //// in same direction. It took me 36 days to finish this piece. Other details can be found here

The second partial finish is the EMS April flower of the month, except the inner borders. I have decided that I will stitch the borders during my crafty meet ups as it requires less counting. The fabric was a gift from a friend ,hence I can include this in GG SAL.

13th June was World Wide Knit in Public day and I decide to take the initiative for organizing it here in Kuwait. This was first time for Kuwait and we had an attendance of 8 wonderful ladies.

Image courtesy :Tammy

The café where we met was situated by the Sea
We had such a gala time chatting and crafting that I'm sure everyone made new friends.
I even tried my hands at crochet and failed terribly. Tammy was patient enough to teach me the basics. Look what wonderful gifts Tammy gave me :

My knitty friend L from ravelry group will be leaving Kuwait soon and this is what she gifted me.


Thank you Ladies for such a great time and gifts.

I will now have more stitching time from Thursday because of lesser working hours in the month of Ramadan. I hope to finish my pending projects and start a new one.

I'm off to see what other stitchers have to show in their GG posts.


  1. That sunflower stitching is gorgeous. I just can't bring myself to do such detailed patterns anymore. The sets from Linda are very nice. I used to make little gift bags like that at Christmas time to sell cookies and chocolates in when I would do bazaars. One of these days I'm gonna cross-stitch, even if it is something very, very small. :)

  2. Sunflowernnis very very beautiful. Lucky to get craft friends around you. Wonderful gifts.

  3. Gorgeous finish. I love it. I'm doing the EMS sal too but have only just started March so you are streets ahead of me.

  4. Beautiful Sunflower Bouquet! Congratulations on your finish.

  5. Lovely sunflower stitching !! :)You are almost done with the other flower project too. Nice to know you had a lovely crafting time with friends and received some beautiful gifts too!!:)

  6. gorgeous finishing.. i love the sunflowers. great stitching.

  7. Your Sunflowers are gorgeous!! And I am happy you had such a wonderful time at WWKIP day!! The cafe you met at looks like such a beautiful place to spend the day knitting or stitching :)

  8. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. The sunflowers look lovely, the back stitch is worth all the effort.
    How lovely to be involved with the Knitting in Public project. Imagine in ten years time when you have hundreds of people joining in and can say "I was at the first one"

  9. wow...lovely sunflower finish. Good that you could take part in knit in public day. Mini..crochet is not rocket sure you can definitely catch up soon..

  10. Congrats on the finish! I love sunflowers. The backstitching definitely makes everything pop.

  11. Lovely sunflowers and great flower sal
    Look forward to see your next finish
    Greetings from holland


Let's try this again!!

Hi Blog Friends, Exactly 1 year ago I posted on this blog trying to explain why I have been absent for years... I was expecting little more ...