Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Happy Dance!!!

Hello Friends,

Come and happy dance with me! I have finished stitching the House of Margaret Mystery SAL piece. I put the last stitch on this piece last night and I’m elated that my goal to ‘Stitch every day in May’ brought me this success.

I’m happy with the way the design turned out. It was my first time participating in a mystery SAL and I was skeptical what theme this pattern would follow. Glad that it’s a neutral theme and I even have somebody in mind who I can gift this to. 

Started on : 8-Apr-2016
Finished on: 30-May-2016
Actual number of stitch days: 25

Stitched on:16 count white Aida

Floss used :Anchor, DMC
Designer: Viktoria Horvath
Pattern source: House of Margaret
Number of colors: 7
Stitch count: 167H*164W
Type of stitches: Full cross stitch,  fractionals,back stitch

Progress Pics

The pattern was easy to follow and the designer Viktoria did a good job considering she is quite new at designing. As there were very few colors in the design, not much counting was required. It’s my first pattern where I worked from a digital copy and saved a few trees…lol.

However I think the designer could have done better with instructions. You see, the designer didn’t specify the fractional stitches in the pattern key, the count size was given as 164*167, not clear which one of this is width/height. The top of the pattern started from row 9 and/ or 20 which resulted my piece to be a bit off centered. The lettering and color selection for back stitch could have been better. I’m writing this as a review/feedback for the designer and this is no way a criticism.

I’m thinking of getting the piece framed with a black matt .What do you think?

Now on to future crafting plans- Continuing on with the goal of stitching every day I will be joining stitchers on Instagram for #TheStitchingHourSummer2016. It will be easier for me achieve this in the month of June as we will have reduced working hours in the month.

I’m working on organizing World Wide Knit in Public day in Kuwait on 18th June. Last year, Kuwait participated first time in this event and I met wonderful people whom I now call my friends. This time organizing it in day time is a bit difficult as Ramadan starts on 6th June and all the cafes etc. are closed during this month of fasting. Wish me luck ….

I know people in the UK and USA are enjoying the sunshine and venturing out. However, summer here means sitting at home as temperature reach 50+°C (122+°F) and expatriates leave the country to visit their friends and family in home countries. Things are slow and there are hardly any activities. Not that I’m complaining about sitting at home, I love being a hermit. I will miss my craft meet ups and the fun we have as a group. Saturday will be our last meet up before the vacation starts.

So keep those beautiful pictures of gardens and outdoors coming and I will enjoy them while stitching sitting on my sofa.
Let me end my post with a monthly stitch pie which looks so cheery …

Sunday, 22 May 2016

IHSW May Part 2 report

Hello friends,

Hope you all are enjoying Sunday in your corner of the world.
I had a great weekend – we went grocery shopping, had family over for dinner and I cooked so many new recipes. I know its Hermit weekend and I was supposed to stitch as much as I can. However, I love cooking and hosting guests so doesn’t feel bad if cooking cuts my stitching time once in a while ..lol

I stitched my House of Margaret Mystery SAL piece during IHSW. We are on week 7 and the last part will be released next Friday. In my introduction post to this project, I wrongly mentioned that the SAL will last 17 weeks.

Here is a before pic

Here is an after pic.

As you can see, the SAL is not a mystery anymore..haha. We see Alex, Marty, Melman (from the movie Madagascar) in the picture above. However I’m still guessing who the grey animal is, at first I thought it’s an elephant, because of the big ears in the pattern. DH says it’s a donkey. I don’t remember a popular elephant or a donkey from the movie. So, it looks like it’s going to be Gloria with long ears.

I’m hoping to finish this project next Friday when the last part is released. A happy dance is long overdue.
I will leave you with a picture of Black bean quesadillas I made for lunch yesterday. They turned out delicious. If you are interested the recipe, it is from http://thekitchensinkblog.com/.

Instead of using canned beans and store bought chipotle sauce, I cooked the beans myself and made chipotle sauce with Indian chilly.

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Stitch every 'Day' in 'May'

Hello Friends,

The title of my post is what my target for the month is. You see I was quite surprised to see  that I haven't been stitching much this year, when I made the Pies for my last post.
I know some of you stitch everyday and that's inspirational. I sat thinking why can't I do that: I have a normal 10 hr job (no overtime), don't have to cook for a big family or neither do I have pets who need much care (I have budgies ,but they hardly take any time). So I realized I'm being a lazy bum ...
I have set up a target to stitch every day this month even if it's a single length of thread. It's been a success so far, Thursday being an exception.

Enough of my rant about my time organization .So here is my check-in for Jo's Gifted Gorgeousness SAL, IHSW hosted by Joysze and Friday Frolicking.
I have been working on EMS Flower of the month series which will be a gift for my aunt. I have completed July and August Flowers . Except the back stitching and some stitches with white. I prefer to stitch white at the end to keep the stitches clean.

Yesterday morning was my craft meetup and it was so good to see my friends after 2 months. We had a wonderful time discussing crafts, current affairs and stash addictions.
I got wonderful gifts from Tammy, which she bought all the way from Jerusalem.

I tried my hands at sewing again to make a laptop sleeve. It's not pretty or neat however it sure is very useful with the season of dust soon approaching.

That's it my friends for today. I will be stitching the EMS piece today and then pick my HOM Mystery SAL piece tomorrow for rotation.

Hello from Kansas City!!!

Hello and almost bye from Kansas City !!! 4 hrs until I leave for airport to start my 30 hour journey for home. This is my second time visit...