Sunday, 21 August 2016

And Then There Were Twelve

What is she talking about? Is it 12 days of Christmas ?

Nope my dear friends, I'm talking about the twelfth flower of Ellen Maurer-Stroh Flower of the month project I completed stitching yesterday.

This post is a joint check-in for Gifted Gorgeousness SAL hosted by Jo & IHSW hosted by Joysze.

I didn't forget to post for GG SAL on 15th , I was deliberately holding the post so as to show you some substantial stitching. Hermitting over the weekend helped me achieve this.

So without any further delay here is the last flower :December "Poinsettia" in its glory.
I had to move the q snap so I can work on borders of other flowers and I clicked a picture of the whole project so far. I need to add borders to 5 flowers, fill in some white and add backstitch to the butterfly, bees and daffodils.I think it will take a week to finish this.

This piece is a gift for my aunt's 25th wedding anniversary and the aida was a gift from a fellow stitcher.

Yesterday while I was stitching the borders, I realised that I may run out of floss. Intrigued that I have already used 2.5 skeins of floss for borders so far, I calculated  how long is the border. The 2 stitches wide border around all the flowers has a straight length of 10.7 metre. 120 metre of floss has been used and I'm guessing I need 100 metre more...

What is the maximum number of skeins of a single color you have used for a project?

In June I won a giveaway on first.It took a total of 61 days to get the parcel in my hand from Hungary . Out of these 61 days , Kuwait postal service took 51 days to deliver it to my PO box. It beats me why would a basic public service like postal system be so slow in a small city country like Kuwait. Anyways, I'm happy that I got the package as I had lost hope of getting it after I visited the post office sixth time.Rant over..Let's move onto gifts received.
The package contains 28 ct evenweave ,lace ,lots of ribbons, chocolates,postcard ,cross stitch pattern book and a needle case.Thank you Dóra for the goodies , I love these.

Hopefully in my next post, I will be able to show you the FOTM piece finished.

Friday, 12 August 2016

Happy World Cross Stitch Day

Hey Stitchy Friends,

Wishing you all a very Happy World Cross Stitch Day. May you have smoky needles and be blessed with charts,fabrics and floss to last a life

I remember seeing a post about World Cross Stitch Day a year or two back. Didn't remember the exact date though. Yesterday someone posted on Instagram that its tomorrow. So I figured that its celebrated every year on 2nd Friday of August . I know its not as famous as other craft events like International Crochet Day or WWKIP but its upon cross stitch crazy people like us to make it more popular.

On to some stitchy news...First a thing which made me squeal...Those who have been following my blog regularly know how I keep complaining about lack of availability of stitchy supplies here in Kuwait especially cross stitch magazines.In last 2.5 years I have checked with all book stores for magazines with no positive results.
Yesterday we went to a home decor store to buy a hand bag and there was a small section of books there. I was casually looking at the magazine stand and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this:
I almost started jumping and hubby was astonished too. The guy at the counter wasn't able to understand why I was beaming with joy :). I started flipping thru to look for designs and hubby said you have to buy it no matter what as you have been searching for magazines so long.

The lady at the counter started asking me about where do I buy my fabric in Kuwait. She used to do cross stitch earlier but wasn't able to find fabric here. I offered her to bring some fabric when I visit the store next time and also invited her to my craft group.
I will do anything to encourage people to take up this hobby ...ha ha

Second..I finished stitching November flower "Chrysanthemum" on Wednesday . While stitching this I realised I have this plant in my tiny home garden.We bought two pots of Chrysanthemum in Nov last year and the plants almost died after the winter season. However ,with some care we were able to revive one and its blooming now.

I'm trying to grow tomatoes and the tiny saplings have spread all over.

That's it from my corner of the world.
Hope you get some stitching time today to mark the occasion.

P.S. -Edited to answer Khristine's question about blog header picture
The header picture is of from our trip to Goreme,Turkey in July 2014. Goreme is famous for its wonderful rock formations and the most intriguing ones are called "Fairy Chimneys" .

Let's try this again!!

Hi Blog Friends, Exactly 1 year ago I posted on this blog trying to explain why I have been absent for years... I was expecting little more ...