Sunday, 25 September 2016

Gifted Gorgeousness SAL September Update

Hello Friends,

I'm back from a two week vacation in Greece . I had a time of my life and left a part of my heart there. I will probably dedicate a post to my Greece vacation. Between planning,packing and travelling ,I managed to stitch some gifts.

First is a small birthday gift I made for dear Jo
I made this washi tape card on handmade paper .I used to collect handmade paper in mid 2000s and recently brought my collection to Kuwait from India.

I also added a small pouch to her gift which I stitched during my vacation at my parent's house in February. I was saving it for the right occasion .This was a kit from Vervaco ,given to me by friend Linda, which I mentioned in my earlier post here,on her last day in Kuwait.

As all of you know about the postal issues in Kuwait, I'm always looking for opportunities to send mail to my friends , participate in swaps when I travel. My Greece vacation couldn't have happened at better time as I was able to send Jo some handmade love.

I also participated in a cross stitch ATC swap on Instagram.For those of you who haven't heard of ATC, here is what Wikipedia says Artist Trading Cards (ATCs) is a conceptual art project initiated by the Swiss artist M. Vänçi Stirnemann in 1997. He called it aCollaborative Cultural Performance. Artist Trading Cards are 212 by 312 inches (64 mm × 89 mm) in size, the same format as modern trading cards (hockey cards or baseball cards). They are self-made unique works or small series, signed and dated on the reverse by the artist/producer, exchanged and collected by the people who participate in the collaborative performance.

This is a monthly activity with rules and themes to follow. The theme for September was Astrology and my partner's sign is Pisces..what a coincidence.

After looking for patterns all over the internet and magazines , I decided to stitch Lesley Teare's astrology freebie. All except the February month freebie were available on her blog. I wrote to her and she promptly send me the pattern.

I had to skip the borders to meet the size requirement.It was sent along with a postcard with some envelope art.
If you wish to join the ATC swap on Instagram, I will happily pass on the details to you . The group is looking for more international stitchers.

August marked the end of vacation season in Kuwait with all the expats coming back from their respective home countries. My friend Tammy brought me wonderful gifts :A dimensions kit(does she know I'm addicted to Dimensions)? and World of Cross Stitching Magazine. Look at the freebie...a thread cutter .,appropriate for taking on airplanes. It did travel with me to Greece :)
My vacation in Greece involved a lot of travelling by bus and ferries. So I packed a cover kit and my knitting in my luggage . I love cover kits bcoz of the ease of carrying them around with all that's needed for stitching already available.This cover kit was also a gift .
Most of the days I worked on my knitting as its so easy to knit when you are travelling , no counting involved.
This will be a gift for my sister in law.

That's all for GG that I have to show you this month.

I have a developed a new hobby/interest lately ..Postcard exchange. I had mentioned about my love for postcards some time this year on my blog. While searching on Ravelry for yarn shops in Greece , I stumbled upon this group where members particpate in a Geographical Postcard exchange which is open to anyone.
I participated in 4 exchanges and postcards were sent to USA and Finland.
Here is what I sent.

I decided to put the postcards in an envelope(I'm always scared of loosing the mail) and decorated them. Happy to say that these were well received.

I received two postcards :one from USA and one from Finland.The one from Finland is of Aurora lights , reminds me of the famous dimensions kits.
All these swaps,gifts and postcards were sent and received in Greece , it was one of my favourite activity during my vacation.
One of the postcards was sent well before I started my vacation , so I'm guessing that Greek post liked the postcard so much that they decided to keep it. The fourth one was posted late and couldn't make it in time.
If any of my blog friends shares this interest and would like to receive a postcard, let me know. I will happily send one your way, when I travel next time.
I'm a bit behind in reading the blogs and I will visit you soon and read what you guys have been upto.

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Jo's Big Birthday Blog Hop

Hello Hello,

Welcome to Big Birthday Party for Jo’s Big Birthday ….if you are tired of hopping around, sit down and have a cold lemonade. 

Don’t worry I’m not going to serve you cake, I know you have had enough of it already …how about some savory snacks.
Butter cigarette stick

Egg pandan

Jo, I hope you recognize these from your time spent in Singapore.

Now that you have caught you breath after hopping across blogs, it’s time to tell you what year it is
It is year 1993 and Jo is 27.

Something very important happened this year… She started cross stitching in this year. Yes Yes Cross stitching!!! She even has a piece dated for that year to prove it. 

Here is the story behind it.Jo was visiting a friend who was cross stitching a Country Companions design for her son.  She liked the look of the craft and bought two small Anchor sampler kits to try it herself.She was soon hooked and rest is history.

I’m sure anybody who is reading this blog now knows about Jo’s love for cross stitching. She has an eclectic taste and she has 500 finishes on her Happy Dance blog to prove that too.

Imagine where our blogging community would be if this event hadn’t happened…Cross stitch blogging would be no fun without Jo's seasonal and themed blog hops, SALs and of course the beautiful finishes we see on her blog so frequently.

Now let’s see what I was doing when Jo was discovering her new love for the art of cross stitching…..

I have to really think hard as I find it difficult to recollect things from past these days…

Well I was in seventh grade, enjoying my school life. One day my teacher declared in class about an upcoming oratory competition in English language. The idea was to select a topic from a list given and talk about it in front of the school. I decided to participate and won a third prize. 
Picture from Internet
I hear you asking what’s so special about a third prize …well it was my first time participating in a school level competition which required preparation on my own with no help from teachers, parents and text books. Before this competition I used to participate in school co-circular activities mainly dancing but none of them were for a competition which required speaking in front of an audience.
My teacher was quite impressed and told my mother to encourage me further. After this I started participating regularly in such activities and it helped me in developing confidence of speaking in public. This skill was very helpful during my engineering days when we were asked to present our projects, interviews and meetings. I personally feel expressing your ideas in technical discussions is an important tool for success, especially if your business requires interaction with Client.

There is one more event or I would rather say a change that occurred during the year 1993 but I’m too embarrassed to talk about it on my blog… haha.

Moving to the last part of the blog party now, a cross stitch project I think Jo may like.

Earlier this year, I visited my maternal uncle’s house after a long period.My aunt gave me this piece which she had dug out from the old trunks. I remember stitching this piece in late 2003/early 2004 .My aunt had made the same piece and it caught my eye.It was different from the usual cross stitch which I had been doing in my childhood.I stitched it as a gift for a family member .When I finished college and moved to other town for job, I assumed that the piece must have been given to the recipient by my aunt. Imagine my surprise when she gave it to me after so many years and I realized I have done blackwork in past and forgotten about it.

The piece had some stains collected from lying around in old trunks, so I got it dyed.First picture is more true to color
I hope you have enjoyed your stop here and are looking forward to hopping on to next blog.

Here’s wishing our lovely Jo , happy birthday and a blessed year ahead.

Hello from Kansas City!!!

Hello and almost bye from Kansas City !!! 4 hrs until I leave for airport to start my 30 hour journey for home. This is my second time visit...