Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Biscornu exchange with the Biscornu expert!!!

Isn't that a funny title ? Well if not, at least it gives you the hint who my exchange partner was...

Kerry had commented on my last exchange post that she will be interested in a exchange if time is suitable in future. Well who thought I will get the opportunity so to London for work.

We decided to keep the exchange a simple one with only one cross stitched item, which of course was a biscornu. E-mails were exchanged to understand each other's likes and dislikes and we were set for the exchange.

Here is what I received from Kerry. A big box of goodies all individually wrapped up in this lovely floral paper....Look at what she sent me

A postcard and magnet from where she lives, chocolate, DMC variegated threads,loads of hand made jewellery: a bracelet, ear rings, key ring and a book mark. She let me choose the cover kits you see in the pic which she was giving away, how thoughtful of her. The biscornu is amazing , a peacock themed pattern - perfect for me . The personalization with our names is lovely . I like the use of metallic thread as well.

Kerry I didn't know you are such a talented jewellry maker apart from being a biscornu expert. I have never seen such a bookmark before.

Thank you so much, the goodies will be treasured and put to good use.

A picture of the biscornu I made using some of  her favourite colors.

It was so much fun participating in an exchange with you Kerry.. I hope we do more in future.

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Gifted Gorgeousness SAL July Update

Hello Friends,

It's that time of the month when we show what gifts we have been working on or/and what crafty gifts we have received. If you don't know what I'm talking about , check Jo's blog for more info.

Not much to show this time , also I'm really short of time as I'm flying out for a business trip tomorrow and I have to start packing..oops

First is a Giveaway win - I won this Lizzie Kate chart  thru Tiff's blog giveaway in March. Thank you Tiffany for the chart.

While we are talking about giveaway, let me announce winners of my first blog giveaway:

Winner is Khristine from 

Winner is Sherry from

Please send me your address at my email address or if you are connected to me thru facebook or Instagram, send me personal message.

I stitched a small design on this pre-sewn pouch in December for keeping some tit bits for babies. This will now be gifted to grandson of one of my colleagues. The design is from a magazine gifted by my friend Tammy. I will add details of the design later, if anyone is interested.

That's it my friends for this month, I will be back with a post on another exchange I'm participating in.

Monday, 10 July 2017

WWKIP day 2017

One month back on this day, I was running around , trying to be a good organizer..the occasion

3rd Edition of Kuwait WWKIP day

Worldwide Knit-in-Public Day (WWKIP Day) was started in 2005 by Danielle Landes as a way to bring knitters out of isolation.  What started out as a very small movement (with only 25 local events taking place that year) has grown substantially with Knit-in-Public (KIP) events now taking place all around the world.
The KIP Day slogan of “better living through stitching together” reinforces the well-documented benefits of crafting, such as alleviating stress, anxiety and depression. It is really about showing the general public that crafting can be a community activity in a very distinct way.

Each KIP event is solely organized by volunteers. I found out about this event in 2015 shortly after I joined my current craft group Kuwait Crafters . Though I didn't that time, I thought of celebrating the day to get a chance to meet new crafters. It was the first time Kuwait was registered for the event. You can read about it here. A small write up on 2016's event can be found here.

This year I wanted to have a bigger event with some fun activities. We have had new members joining the group which means more people know about a crafting group in the country where usually the information isn't available.

Preparations started well ahead in time with looking out for venues, sponsors , number of attendees. We came up with idea of giving door prizes to everybody who attends the event. Registration and publicity were the main tasks to ensure we reach out the intended audience.

This is how the invitation looked like

What came as a surprise was how the small hand crafting businesses stepped up to the occasion when big LYS refused to offer any assistance. Door prizes were made by the members of my craft group. Last two years I made small souvenirs/badges to mark the occasion, this year I thought of going big and got the badges printed . The badges were liked by all and worn during the event.
Doilies made by Z for door prizes
Door prizes for all

Contents of the door prize bag
We used social media like Instagram, Facebook and event websites to spread the word.

I still can't believe that we had turnout of 40 crafters from Kuwait, almost 70% were/are not the existing members of my group. The event was so much fun , with lucky draws for which the prizes were sponsored by Needles & YarnWhiskers & Yarn , Zephyr and Made by Mrs Q.,yarn swap and a freebie table at the venue.

Picture credit Nida Khan
It was a wonderful to see how crafters of different nationalities, race , religion came together to celebrate the love of craft. I feel so proud to say that this year we outdid the attendance by 5 times of last year. This success wouldn't have been possible without all the hard work put in by fellow crafters.

The cherry on the cake has been the coverage we got in the media this year, two national newspaper in English , two in Arabic published article about the event .For more pictures , check out the link below for work done by official photographer of the event,a fellow crafter :


I'm adding a link to the articles published in local papers if anyone is interested

Friday, 7 July 2017

First blog giveaway

Hello Friends,

Its time for a giveaway..first one on my blog.

Apparently 30th June was my my 6th blogaversary ...hard to believe. Only 3 posts in first 3 years though.What started as a diary to write my travel experiences , then as a cooking journal is now mainly a cross stitch/ crafting blog.

22780 page views, 38 followers , 870 comments(including some replies by me) later, I think its time for a give away..First of all thank you to all my blogging friends who follow,comment and visit , like my work and encourage to blog .

I have 1 chart and 1 booklet to offer

Item 1 :St. Paul's Cathedral chart by The Heritage Collection Designer Susan Ryder

Item 2 : A Stoney Creek Sampler Collection, Book No. 105 Contains 9 sampler patterns . This is front view of booklet

Item 2 : A Stoney Creek Sampler Collection, Book No. 105 Contains 9 sampler patterns . This is back view of booklet

Both these items have been bought from a charity shop in Scotland so I'm guessing they are pre -loved. However both are in good condition.

Here is what you need to do:
1. Be a follower.
2. Comment below which item would you like to win: Item 1 or 2.
3. If you are a no reply blogger, leave your email address so that I can contact you. If you win, send me your address within 3 working days.

Giveaway closes on 14th July and results will be announced thru next Gifted Gorgeousness post.I will be mailing the item(s) in a simple A4 envelope.

I would appreciate if you could spread the word.

Happy stitching.

Hello from Kansas City!!!

Hello and almost bye from Kansas City !!! 4 hrs until I leave for airport to start my 30 hour journey for home. This is my second time visit...