Friday, 15 June 2018

Gifted Gorgeousness SAL June Update

Hello Friends,

It's that time of the month when we show what gifts we have been working on or/and what crafty gifts we have received. If you don't know what I'm talking about , check Jo's blog for more info. This is a easy SAL where you have choice to stitch any designer, color or pattern, just that it should be a gift for someone or gift from someone.

I'm taking a break from finishing a gift to write this post. The gift was supposed to be given today but the amount of back stitching is just killing me . I visited the family today for whom I'm making the gift and told them their gift is late by one day πŸ˜©πŸ˜€

Let me show a gift finished last week back, my first no sew cube finish.

Blackwork Elephant
Anchor Design Studio

Image Courtesy:Rene Bester, taken during WWKIP day
This is a birthday present for a lady in my craft group who loves elephants. I would like to claim extra GG points for this finish- the fabric was a gift from husband; pattern was gift from Jo, the GG SAL hostess herself ; the metallic thread was a gift from Shami

I didn't have the called for threads in the pattern except one. I bought a lot of Anchor variegated threads from a shop in my hometown to support the shop which was clearly not in good financial condition. I tried to use the nearest matching threads in my stash with the ones in the pattern . I am very happy with how these piece turned out, I have used metallic floss first time and didn't play chicken with the french knots πŸ˜‰.

Jo, if you are reading this , may be you should start a point system for the GG SALπŸ˜€. It can take into account how a gift shown in the GG post uses gifts received.

When I started stitching the design, I thought of framing it. Failure to find a suitable frame , I turned to YouTube for no sew cube tutorial. I'm surprised how easy and quick this finishing method is . I will be surely making more cubes in future.

That's it for GG post. 

Last Saturday my craft group celebrated Fourth Edition of Kuwait WWKIP day. This time I took a back seat and requested other group members to organize the event. It was a fun event with lucky draws and door prizes. Everyone bought their projects to share and so much talent was on display.
Beautiful brooch like this was given to every attendee
If you wanna read more about it , click the link 

You can also visit my fellow Kuwaiti crafter Tammy's blog for more pictures :

Its a 4 day weekend here and I will try to put in stitches in my WIPs whenever I can amidst packing for vacation, hosting a dinner , shopping and sleeping .


  1. Commenting so that I get email notifications for the comments.

  2. Thanks for taking part in GG this month, the linky post is now up. You definitely get extra points this month! There should be a special shoe-horn award too, I love seeing how everyone fits their work in. The elephant looks great, I love the colours you chose and I'm sure the recipient did too.

  3. You get all sorts of bonus points this month! I love how the elephant turned out; your substituted colors look like they belong. Metallic thread and French knots aren't so bad after all~ Just a bit more fiddly than nice cross stitches haha.

  4. Great GG update this month, what a lovely gift you have created for your friend.

  5. Beautiful finish, Mini!:) Great use of gifted things in one project! I saw Tammy's post about the WWKIP and glad to see crafters getting together for another successful event. Congrats to you and the participants!

  6. Oh Mini, that elephant is such a lovely gift for an elephant lover. Great job.

  7. I love your elephant cube! You did such a lovely job of it :) Are you knitting that blanket? The yarn is so very pretty!

  8. Lovely finishes. Love the elephant cube.

  9. I just love that elephant! And I know Karen did, too. Of course, I forgot it was her birthday. Must keep a list.

  10. I love the way you finished the cube. Since it does not have any sewing I should find out how it is made.AriadnefromGreece!

  11. Oh, I love the elephant and the cube finish is adorable.

  12. What a beautiful piece of blackwork. The brooch is also gorgeous x


Let's try this again!!

Hi Blog Friends, Exactly 1 year ago I posted on this blog trying to explain why I have been absent for years... I was expecting little more ...