Friday, 31 August 2018

Smalls SAL August Check-in

Hello Friends,

Its last friday of the month , time to show what smalls we stitched during the month. I'm participating first time in Smalls SAL this year hosted by Heather. I decided to join this SAL as I usually stitch birthday cards or exchange pieces throughout the year and this gives me an additional chance to blog.

I have two smalls to show you this month :both are cover kits from magazine.

These were stitched during my stitching slump with the idea that quick finishes will cheer me up and motivate to stitch more..well that's not what happened! What can I say..I'm the slowest stitcher in the universe and each of these took me 5-6 days to complete.
Flower garland Felt stitch kit
from The World of Cross Stitching magazine

My first pincushion

Floral Pincushion
Designer :Jennifer Ellory
CrossStitch Crazy magazine. Aug 2014
To be honest ,the pin cushion wasn't easy to stitch..most of the stitches are fractionals with lots of backstitching. I think magazine editors need to understand that not all illustrations can be converted into 2 inch cross stitch designs.

Both of these cover kits were gifts from Kerry, they can very well count as GG entry.

I stitched these with a goal in mind which will be revealed when I achieve it 😉.

Well that's all for Smalls SAL today, I'm very close to finishing Fabulous florals WIP . In fact if I wouldn't have been on movie watching spree last week, I would have completed by now.

Have a good September everyone.

Sunday, 19 August 2018

IHSW August Check-in

Hello dear friends,

It's time to show what I stitched for International Hermit & Stitch weekend . If you don't know what  IHSW is, its a SAL which was started by Joysze at Random Ramblings .Here is how she describes it "International Hermit and Stitch Weekend takes place every 3rd full weekend of each month, from Friday till Sunday. In our very busy and hectic lives, IHSW is a chance for us to squirrel some time away for ourselves and "Hermit and Stitch." It is a time set aside to take care of us and our love for stitching."
Weekend in my part of the world is on Friday & Saturday, so I will be stitching from Thursday to Saturday and post on Sundays whenever I participate in IHSW.

I had a busy weekend this time: hosting a dinner for a cultural group my husband is part of and attending my bi weekly crafty meetup. Well I enjoy hosting people and seeing my craft friends, so nothing to complaint about.

I think my crafty bug is back with full spirit. I'm enjoying stitching again and stitching for longer than 15 mins. in one go :)

I added few colors to the pansies and grape hydrangeas, stitched the water at the bottom of vases while working on WIP "Fabulous Florals" and I feel I can finish this project by month end if everything goes well.

Here is a before and after picture :

Fabulous Florals 
Designed by : Claire Comerford
Pattern source : The World Of Cross Stitching Magazine, Issue 245
And now another good news, we have public holidays from tomorrow, 20th Aug to Saturday, 25th Aug.
Do you think I can complete this project in 6 day holidays?
Will I start something new - another cover kit?

Keep those guesses coming..
Have a good Sunday everyone.

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Gifted Gorgeousness SAL August Update

Hello Friends,

It's that time of the month when we show what gifts we have been working on or/and what crafty gifts we have received. If you don't know what I'm talking about , check Jo's blog for more info. This is a easy SAL where you have choice to stitch any designer, color or pattern, just that it should be a gift for someone or gift from someone.

Thank you all for the comments on my last post and ideas on how to get my stitchy bug back. Thankfully I have found the bug and I'm trying to stitch a little each day. My job has become stressful and I have joined gym after office to work on my weight , so I have very few hours at home when I can pick up the needle. Anyways I'm still happy to stitch for few mins every day.

I have been working on magazine cover kits which I will save for my Smalls SAL post. 

Let me show the latest picture of the gift I'm making for my mom's 60th birthday. I have stitched on it for 6 days since my last GG post.

Not sure if any progress is visible.

Progress on 31st May
Progress as of today
Fabulous Florals 
Designed by : Claire Comerford
Pattern source : The World Of Cross Stitching Magazine, Issue 245

Nothing else to show today, its bed time and I will sign off now.

Hope everyone is having a good time in summer and keeping safe during the heat.

Hello from Kansas City!!!

Hello and almost bye from Kansas City !!! 4 hrs until I leave for airport to start my 30 hour journey for home. This is my second time visit...