Friday, 19 July 2019

Gifted Gorgeousness SAL July 2019 update

Hello Friends,

I know I'm late ....It's that time of the month when we show what gifts we have been working on or/and what crafty gifts we have received. If you don't know what I'm talking about , check Jo's blog for more info. This is a easy SAL where you have choice to stitch any designer, color or pattern, just that it should be a gift for someone or gift from someone.

First is the giveaway prize I received from Rosey .
I don't have much to show you this month, I think my stitching bug is dead 😭.I'm worried and sad that I'm unable to pick my needle with all the time on my hands.I decided to not take a full time job when I moved to India so as to focus more on my hobbies but nothing of this sort is happening. Ladies, what should I do, I feel so lost.

Anyways I started this project to use leftover yarn given by my mom, the pattern is called Memory blanket.

Nothing else to share ...I'm sad that I'm not crafting .
No crafting during IHSW as I’m traveling to visit my husband’s college friend in neighboring state.
I will try to visit your blogs once I’m back.
Have a good weekend.

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Let the people choose-July-Finishing

Hello Friends,

Today I join Jo for another SAL which she is hosting called THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE SAL. You can read about it on her blog.
The theme for this month is Finishing-that is final finishing.

I haven't been posting on my blog as I'm still not crafting specially cross stitching since my move. So I didn't think I could post for this SAL, however Jo's post gave me some ideas.

I have read that most of the stitchers dread finishing and have a pile of completed projects waiting to be framed or turned into something.
Call me weird but I have never dreaded finishing. In fact , I'm not boasting, I don't have a single project waiting to be FFOed. Well there are two reasons for that : fully finishing makes me super happy , secondly all my stitching is done for gifts, so I try to FFO the gift before giving it to the recipient. I made a mistake of not framing two pieces and gave the stitched project as gift. The pieces  haven't been framed after 3 years(I know that because I keep asking about it) and it hurts me...Anyways
I have tried few easy methods of finishing my projects apart from framing, let me show you the first of each kind.
My first book mark, made in Aug 2014 .
Now something you can laugh at , a project pasted on cardboard and covered with clear plastic sheet. Look what I did to the logo of Volkswagon😅

My first cross stitched card , made in Feb 2015 .

First heart shaped ornament,made in July 2015

First pillow shaped ornament,made in July 2015
First fridge magnet, made in Aug 2015
First hanging :stitched piece glued to foam sheet, made in Sep 2015

First hanging :stitched piece hung on plastic hanger that came with the kit, made in Nov 2015
First cushion cover finish, made in Dec 2015
First hanging :stitched piece sewn in as insert on fabric, made in Dec 2015
First project as potpurri sachet which was pre sewn,made in Feb 2016:
First ATC ,made in Sep 2016
First luggage tag, my own design
First biscornu, made in Mar 2017
First no-sew cube,made in June 2018
First hoop finish,made in June 2018
Oh, I'm tired just including the pictures,I'm sure you are too looking at them.
Year 2015 was clearly a fantastic year with so many firsts. Actually this was the year I discovered cross stitch blogs and was inspired to try finishing other than framing.

Do you have a favourite among these?
May be looking at all these finishes will inspire me to pick up my needle.

Hello from Kansas City!!!

Hello and almost bye from Kansas City !!! 4 hrs until I leave for airport to start my 30 hour journey for home. This is my second time visit...