Sunday, 1 November 2015

FOTM SAL October Check in( The post where I declare I'm a one project

Hello Friends,
We have been experiencing unusual weather here in Kuwait with thunderstorms,lightning and rain.
Though part of north Kuwait have seen flash floods and water logging ,the part of country I live in hasn't experienced any such problems. I'm loving the cloud covered skies, wet roads and clean trees.

I have finished stitching my fractal bookmark which I will show in my next GG post. I decided to scrap the HAED I started on January 1st as I now longer feel motivated to stitch it, which makes the flower series my only WIP. I'm being a good girl and resisting a new start..let's see how long can i resist.

Here is my progress on the EMS flower series which I'm stitching on a single piece of 14 count aida.
I have finished the March flower,except the back stitching. Started the May flower with the frog visiting 5 times in the little stitching you see below...grrr.

With the weather being so nice ,we have been trying to explore Kuwait. Friday we drove to a public beach but it was dark by 5pm so we took a short walk along the beach and came back in half an hour..haha.
Yesterday we visited The Tareq Rajab Museum which is a privately owned museum with collections from the Arab world and Asia. It was an enriching experience with the artifacts displayed in a good lighting and information available in English and Arabic.

It's been long since I posted about my cooking adventures. I have been trying new recipes but I still need to work on my food photography skills. A picture of Mushroom and Spinach Frittata I made last Wednesday which the family just loved.

Wishing everyone a happy November.


  1. I love your flowers!! And that Frittata looks yummy!! Can't wait to see the fractal bookmark!

  2. Good progress in the EMS flowers. Experiencing a nice weather in a hot place. I can imagine your happiness. Me too enjoying a cloudy weather with lots of rain after hot months over here in tuticorin. The dish looks yummy. The name is different.

  3. Hehe... I envy your willpower at sticking to one WIP. I wish I had more resistance. But there are simply waaay too many temptations out there ;)

    P.S. That frittata looks yummy!

  4. Your flowers are looking great!! Don't worry, everybody stitch only one project at a time;) I have not known anybody having four hands to stitch two at a time ....was that the worst pj?
    Food looks yummy !! Those items are new to me.


Let's try this again!!

Hi Blog Friends, Exactly 1 year ago I posted on this blog trying to explain why I have been absent for years... I was expecting little more ...