Friday, 19 June 2020

Gifted Gorgeousness SAL June 2020 update

Hello Friends,
It's that time of the month when we show what gifts we have been working on or/and what crafty gifts we have received. If you don't know what I'm talking about , check Jo's blog for more info. This is an easy SAL where you have a choice to stitch any designer, color or pattern, just that it should be a gift for someone or gift from someone.
For the month of May, I made good progress on my oldest WIP and decided to start a new project on the first day of the month.Here it is ,after 5 days of progress.

Can you guess what it is?
Saturday, 13th June was World Wide Knitting in Public day. If you have been following me for few years, you will know how this day is special to me.Since 2015, when I first found about this event, I have been either organising or participating in the event for the craft group I am part of. This year there was no way knitters were going to meet in public, so the craft group I'm part of decided to meet online. Another online meet up was organised by a Indian yarn manufacturing company. I participated in both and had fun.
I decided to stitch the following pattern to mark the day. I'm not much of knitter so this will be sent to one of my knitter friends when the postal service resumes.
Pattern by Daily Cross Stitch
I have used threads given by my pen pal and my mom, the backing paper is from my pen pal ,so this qualifies for the SAL. Originally my idea was to finish it as an ornament, however I changed my mind last minute and thought of trying something new.
My English speaking friends, what is the proper word for this type of finish?
That's it for the gifts I made.
Now some chit chat..for the first two weeks of the month I was feeling lonely and anxious. There is no improvement in the pandemic situation here and the number of cases are increasing exponentially. The lockdown was relaxed on 8th and it looks like it was a grave mistake to do so. We (Husband and I) haven't stepped out of the house in months and that's the only way I see to keep us safe.
What makes me anxious is not knowing when things will improve? When will I be able to travel? When will I be able to see my parents?
There is a shortage of supplies here and that causes some irritation. I'm not able to pursue my hobby of snail mailing - I miss writing and receiving letters.
The pandemic has given birth to hundreds of apps to connect with people, but somehow I'm starting to feel friendships made over social media are not real. I have this feeling that one day if I stop blogging or posting on Facebook or Instagram , no one will notice. Most of the people care only about likes and followers.
I have been blogging for 5 years now, and during this time few people I thought I made connection with stopped blogging. I miss them and wonder do they miss me/us? It feels that the person doesn't care about the time and efforts put by the other person in the relationship. While I respect the reasons due to which an individual stops using any social media, these experiences have made me hesistant to start a new relationship.
What are your views ? Do you get attached to people over social media? Is it just about comments and likes for you?May be you are a lucky person who made genuine friends thru social media .

Anyways,I'm feeling better now and want to focus on the positives .
I hope I haven't bored with you my rant.
Take care and stay safe.

Monday, 8 June 2020

Let the People Choose-June Update

Hello Friends,
First Saturday of the month I join Jo for The People's Choice SAL . Jo takes a poll for people to choose a topic for the month and the participants then post about stitchy projects related to that topic.

This month's topic is Dragonflies.Now, who doesn't love dragonflies...such  pretty colorful creatures.
I have stitched a dragonfly only once for a biscornu swap.

The pattern is a freebie from Stitch Happy blog. She has more dragonfly patterns which can be found under the label.
I don't think I have any dragonfly patterns in my stash, however I have saved this free pattern  a few years back.
Its a freebie which can be found here .
That's it from my side for this topic, now to check what others have posted for this SAL.

Monday, 1 June 2020

How did I do for "Stitch every 'Day' in 'May' "

Hello Friends,
May month has come to an end, I hope 'Maynia' in the cross stitch world has settled down. I have enjoyed looking at the various versions of Maynia . I hope you enjoyed whatever version you followed, after all its about enjoyment right?
My personal goal was to Stitch every 'Day' in 'May'. I'm very happy to report that I was able to stitch/craft on 29 days out of 31 days of the month. I'm realising that setting this personal goal helps me come out of my comfort zone(read laziness) .
My main focus was to make some progress on my oldest WIP, Indian Peacock by Dimensions.I added 3711 stitches, full and half, to the project and the progress is clearly visible.
Before and After
I started and finished a small project for our anniversary which I showed in my last post.
I also knitted these bookmarks from left over yarn , such a quick project.
A new craft learnt and key ring made.

I think I will try to stitch every day in June as well as the lock down has extended my part of the country. My city is the worst hit in the world and numbers are rising by thousands every day. Its a scary situation, thank God for our crafts to keep us sane.
Hope you are safe and staying home wherever you are.

Hello from Kansas City!!!

Hello and almost bye from Kansas City !!! 4 hrs until I leave for airport to start my 30 hour journey for home. This is my second time visit...