Saturday, 23 March 2019

I'm moving

Hello Friends,

Today I want to share some big news with you...

Yes, I will be leaving Kuwait in one month ....

If you ask why is the answer


Over the years I have realised that if I stay in one place or environment, I become resentful. I crave change ...

As many of you know , I'm an expat in Kuwait which means I live here on a work visa. My husband & I moved here for getting exposure of working outside my home country India and also some personal reasons. Since last few months, work has been stressful. Though I haven't written much about how living in Kuwait is like (mostly shared the good part) , I can sum it up in few words -Kuwait is one of the most expat unfriendly country . As work is major reason of us staying here, stress at work meant unhappy life here.

So in December 2018 , we started thinking of moving out, explored our options and resigned in January end .

I truly believe that if things are not so good at some point of one's life  , it is an indication that a change is required. After we have made the change and are happier , we realise that it was God's way up of telling us -get up and make a change . It can be a change in life style, job, attitude , physical can be anything.

We are moving out of Kuwait for growth in professional as well as personal life...As much as I enjoyed my time in Kuwait, I'm ready for new adventures.

Now if you are curious where I'm moving ..I'm moving to India.

Most of the people I know here are saying "Oh you are moving back to India ?"

Well physically I'm moving to my home country but I personally believe -In life you never move back only moves forward.

I can't describe how excited I'm about this new innings of my life. I know life in Kuwait was too comfortable, I may not be able to have some of the comforts in India but I want to challenge myself.

Most of the people I have shared the news with, have been supportive and understand my desire to move but there are people who have passed judgmental remarks on why they think it's so easy for me to move.So for the people who think its easy for me to move from one country to another because I don't have a kid or have enough bank is what I feel.

I know you may be thinking , what is this whole fuss about challenges, she is moving to her home country.. I will share about this in my post when I settle down in my new house 😉.

I understand that things are not gonna change between my blog friends and me as we met thru blog which is a virtual land . But I'm sure you are gonna miss my life updates in Kuwait ..aren't you?

Well I'm not going anywhere, I will keep posting, just the desk, chair and laptop from where I post will change.

So wish me luck friends ...

Monday, 18 March 2019

IHSW March 2019 check-in

Hello dear friends,

It's time to show what I stitched for International Hermit & Stitch weekend . If you don't know what  IHSW is, its a SAL which was started by Joysze at Random Ramblings .Here is how she describes it "International Hermit and Stitch Weekend takes place every 3rd full weekend of each month, from Friday till Sunday. In our very busy and hectic lives, IHSW is a chance for us to squirrel some time away for ourselves and "Hermit and Stitch." It is a time set aside to take care of us and our love for stitching."

Joysze hasn't been posting regularly so our blog SAL savior Jo provides a blog link up and also runs facebook group for the SAL. 
Weekend in my part of the world is on Friday & Saturday, so I will be stitching from Thursday to Saturday and post on Sundays whenever I participate in IHSW.

Well its well past Sunday , but late post is better than no post, right? 

I talked about my Thursday evening activities and my Friday finish here . 

After I finished the birthday card , I picked up my knitting needles to make something quick. I had saved a dishcloth  pattern of  since I saw it on Rosey's blog .  

Picture from Designer
Well after making four rows, something didn't feel right I unraveled and put the pattern in excel to get a better idea. I realised I hadn't read the pattern properly ,blame it on the designer for not using * for repeated stitches (Knitters know what I mean). 

Second time I knitted the way correct pattern should be done and still the stars couldn't be I unraveled it again 😢 Rosey I don't know how you made yours but I failed...

I looked for some easy patterns and couldn't find anything I like ended up making these garter stitches coaster.

I love the color of the yarn...

That's it for IHSW.

Today I received birthday cards from my snail mail friends..Aren't they lovely?

Have a good week everyone.

Friday, 15 March 2019

Gifted Gorgeousness SAL March 2019 update & IHSW

Hello Friends,

It's that time of the month when we show what gifts we have been working on or/and what crafty gifts we have received. If you don't know what I'm talking about , check Jo's blog for more info. This is a easy SAL where you have choice to stitch any designer, color or pattern, just that it should be a gift for someone or gift from someone.

Not much to show this month as life has been keeping me busy, I have some news to share..wait for it...
The only gift I worked on this month is birthday card for my husband . 

His birthday was yesterday and I finished it today 😆.This year I didn't stitch a surprise for him , I told him when I selected the design that this is for your birthday :) . Well the design is perfect for him, he loves owls, but this pattern killed my mojo big time . You see the number of colors and back stitching bothered me so much that it took me 10 days to stitch this small a project. The pattern is from Lesley Teare's free Owl SAL but I have decided not to stitch anymore of the owls from the SAL.

 I may have been a day late in the birthday card but we did have a good birthday celebration . We invited some friends over and home cooked food was served. Everyone liked the food and the guests left by mid night.

Now to show some gifts I received for my birthday...

These gifts are from Tammy. Tammy and I are almost birthday twins and we have been exchanging birthday gifts since we met.  Tammy always gets me cross stitch gifts from her travels to USA, Jerusalem, UAE and Sri Lanka.  Thank you Tammy for the birthday gift and the travel souvenirs.

This week is also IHSW...time to be a hermit and stitch all weekend, something I wont be able to do 😀as I didn't stitch yesterday due to my husband's birthday celebration.
Still,I need to work on some quick gifts now, so its time to pick knitting needles. See you next month with another GG post.
Have a good weekend friends.

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Kuwait National & Liberation day celebrations

Hello everyone,

As promised , I'm sharing pictures of this year's Kuwait National & Liberation day celebrations . 

I would like to share very interesting fact about Kuwait National day. Normally most countries celebrate their national day on the same date they gained independence. In Kuwait, this would have meant National Day would be on 19th June, marking the date of independence in 1961. On 19 June 1961, Kuwait became independent with the end of the British protectorate and Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salim Al-Sabah became the Emir.
However, it was felt that the holiday should be moved due to the extreme heat in June, and so from 1963, the National Day was moved to 25th February, marking the date that the Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah came to power in 1950.
Kuwait Liberation Day is celebrated on 26 February. This holiday marks the day when Kuwait was liberated from Iraqi occupation in 1991.
Liberation Tower as seen from Souk Mubarakiya
The month of February is celebrated as Hala Feb. There are concerts, cultural shows , exhibitions throughout the month. The most beautiful part is use of electric lights to beautify the country , most of the installations/decorations are using colors of the flag .
Al-Sief Palace
Every year, I visit two areas famous for its light art.
The Ahmadi lights (light art in Ahmadi) are decorations put up by Kuwait oldest and biggest oil company KOC. Ahmadi is a governorate south of Kuwait city , here are some pictures.

The celebrations of Hala Feb won't be complete if one doesn't visit Souq Mubarakiya. Souq is a arabic term for bazaars , most of them are covered with wooden roofs with carvings . If you ever want to see what life in Middle east was before oil was discovered, visit a souk. Souq Mubarakiya is one of my favourite places in Kuwait.Here are some pictures.

Most souks will have multiple entrances , with  cobbled streets , selling everything from fruits to electronics.

This year as we were exploring the souk, we ended up in a part where we saw this monument. 

A little roaming around and after reading the plaques we gathered that the square is called Safat Square. It is a  historical commercial square  where the seafarers of Kuwait would gather and trade goods with businessmen coming from Persia, India and other sea routes .Read more  about it here .

February is my favourite month to explore Kuwait , you can see why...
I hope you like this picture tour of National & Liberation day celebrations in Kuwait.

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Giveaway winner

Hello friends,

Just a quick post to announce winner of my second blog giveaway.

Only two people participated in the giveaway and the Winner is :

Congrats Shami, I already have your address , just confirm it is the same thru email .

Something about commenting on blogs:

I have been observing that some of the comments I left on blogs I follow were not appearing . I later realised that most of the comments I made using my phone were not appearing as the captcha and additional security features bloggers are using , don't pop on mobile.

So please know I commented on you blog last week but the comment never went thru...Lesson learnt comment when you are on a computer.
But why is blogger making it so hard for us ? I mean everyone knows social media which aren't accessible thru phones lose their popularity.

Another observation, if someone is not my blog follower, their comments don't come thru email.Its only when I check my blog thur dashboard, I see their comments.

Shami, your case is special, even though you are my follower , your comments never come thru email😜

Saturday, 2 March 2019

Let the people choose-March-Freebies

Hello Friends,

Today I join Jo for another SAL which she is hosting called THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE SAL. You can read about it on her blog.

The theme for March is Freebies..I can bet that there will be 0 stitchers in this whole world who haven't stitched a freebie in his or her lifetime.

I, myself , have stitched quite a many ..In fact somewhere in 2017 I realised that I'm not stitching any thing from patterns I had bought 😁 .

Let me share freebies which I have stitched over the years without repeating the ones I already showed in  February's Hearts post.

Pattern Name:Life is not where you go
Stitched as a Mystery SAL ran by House of Margaret in 2016

Freebie from DMC club
One of earliest pieces, size is 144H*217W

Freebie from

Freebie from Whispered by the winds

Freebie from Whispered by the winds

Freebie from Tinymodernist

Freebie from Maria

Freebie from Cross Stitch Collectibles
Stitch count :200H*75W

As you can see I have stitched some big freebies which have taken me months to complete.
As a stitcher, I would like to thank all the designers who are generous to offer beautiful freebies to the stitching community.

While we are talking about freebies, I would like to talk about a topic close to my heart: legal patterns and respecting copyright.
If you are a new stitcher who is just starting and doesn't have a stash , take some time to read about legal patterns and try to keep away from Pinterest and other dubious websites. Most of the designers are kind enough to release weekly or monthly freebies , so much that one can stitch legal free patterns whole life and never run out of designs.
If you are a stitcher like me who comes from a country where cross stitch as art has died and there is no availability of magazines , kits or patterns, please use internet to get information on proper ways of buying craft supplies. Respect copyright , don't share patterns thru emails , don't show parts of patterns on your blog or other social media. It is OK to not know things in beginning, but once you become aware about copyright , please follow the rules.
Our designers work very hard , most of the times they have full time jobs in addition to their design work. I have seen designers shutting down their websites or shops due to copyright infringement.And its a sorry state.
One of the other mistakes I have seen being committed by stitchers is sharing patterns when talking about freebies or what they are stitching on their blog or social media groups . Please don't share the actual pattern if you want to show what you are stitching , share a picture of cover picture (sample picture of pattern stitched) and link to freebie.
Ok, enough of preaching some info about legal freebies. Cross stitch Crazy Magazine and The World of Cross Stitching Magazine are giving their March 2019 issues free until 3rd March. Go get some lovely patterns free by downloading thru their app.

No these magazines aren't paying me for promotion, I just like to spread some joy by sharing information about legal freebies.

Wow, this has become a long post..I'm off to brunch with my expat friends now.I will announce the winner of my giveaway in my next post.
Till then take care friends.

Hello from Kansas City!!!

Hello and almost bye from Kansas City !!! 4 hrs until I leave for airport to start my 30 hour journey for home. This is my second time visit...