Saturday, 2 March 2019

Let the people choose-March-Freebies

Hello Friends,

Today I join Jo for another SAL which she is hosting called THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE SAL. You can read about it on her blog.

The theme for March is Freebies..I can bet that there will be 0 stitchers in this whole world who haven't stitched a freebie in his or her lifetime.

I, myself , have stitched quite a many ..In fact somewhere in 2017 I realised that I'm not stitching any thing from patterns I had bought 😁 .

Let me share freebies which I have stitched over the years without repeating the ones I already showed in  February's Hearts post.

Pattern Name:Life is not where you go
Stitched as a Mystery SAL ran by House of Margaret in 2016

Freebie from DMC club
One of earliest pieces, size is 144H*217W

Freebie from

Freebie from Whispered by the winds

Freebie from Whispered by the winds

Freebie from Tinymodernist

Freebie from Maria

Freebie from Cross Stitch Collectibles
Stitch count :200H*75W

As you can see I have stitched some big freebies which have taken me months to complete.
As a stitcher, I would like to thank all the designers who are generous to offer beautiful freebies to the stitching community.

While we are talking about freebies, I would like to talk about a topic close to my heart: legal patterns and respecting copyright.
If you are a new stitcher who is just starting and doesn't have a stash , take some time to read about legal patterns and try to keep away from Pinterest and other dubious websites. Most of the designers are kind enough to release weekly or monthly freebies , so much that one can stitch legal free patterns whole life and never run out of designs.
If you are a stitcher like me who comes from a country where cross stitch as art has died and there is no availability of magazines , kits or patterns, please use internet to get information on proper ways of buying craft supplies. Respect copyright , don't share patterns thru emails , don't show parts of patterns on your blog or other social media. It is OK to not know things in beginning, but once you become aware about copyright , please follow the rules.
Our designers work very hard , most of the times they have full time jobs in addition to their design work. I have seen designers shutting down their websites or shops due to copyright infringement.And its a sorry state.
One of the other mistakes I have seen being committed by stitchers is sharing patterns when talking about freebies or what they are stitching on their blog or social media groups . Please don't share the actual pattern if you want to show what you are stitching , share a picture of cover picture (sample picture of pattern stitched) and link to freebie.
Ok, enough of preaching some info about legal freebies. Cross stitch Crazy Magazine and The World of Cross Stitching Magazine are giving their March 2019 issues free until 3rd March. Go get some lovely patterns free by downloading thru their app.

No these magazines aren't paying me for promotion, I just like to spread some joy by sharing information about legal freebies.

Wow, this has become a long post..I'm off to brunch with my expat friends now.I will announce the winner of my giveaway in my next post.
Till then take care friends.


  1. Very well said. Some stitchers think that freebies are whatever is free without thinking that stolen can also be free but it is not legal.AriadnefromGreece!

  2. Fantastic freebie stitching. Love your point about copyright. Very true. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Ooo you did do some big freebies, how awesome! And it's nice that the magazines offer free issues on occasion. I wonder if they're accessible outside the app?

    I know when I first started out, I fell into that freebie trap too, but at least it was out of lack of knowledge of which sites are "safe". I went through and deleted a bunch of patterns later when I realized they weren't actually free. It was disappointing that people would host them like that. People also stitch from photos of stitching -- they count the Xs in the picture and recreate it. I can understand wanting to be frugal -- but stealing is not the same as saving money!

  4. Thanks for taking part in the People's Choice this month. I do love that large piece with all the circles, and the very familiar Paisley too!
    Well said on the copyright issues too. If you can stitch in a country where it's hard to get charts then anyone can!

  5. Your stitching must be from some of the biggest freebies ever released! The circle piece would do my head in, wanting to straighten it up all the time!
    Well said about copyright too. Like with most things, the majority of people are honest but there will always be a few willing to break the rules.

  6. Lovely selection of free charts stitched up.

  7. Great info! And I totally agree! There are lots of great freebies out there. No need to ever steal :)

  8. Thanks for sharing about copyright. I think people don't understand how it hurts the designers.

  9. Lovely freebies, yes there are some great free designs around. Much as I like pinterest it is full of images from magazines or charts which is not good for the crafting industry. I get many of my designs from magazines but not bought ones, I use Press Reader which is free through the Library and has many world wide craft magazines as well as many other publications.

  10. Thanks for sharing the freebies, I really like the squirrels in Autumn! Too many designers have lost out, I hope more people pay attention to what's out there and how they get it.

  11. Great post Mini! I have heeded your advice and am very careful what I show on my blog and where I get my patterns from.
    Lovely stitching!
    Barbara xx
    (Hope you get my comment, I’m using Chrome and I think you should receive an email?)

  12. Lovely freebies! You really did take on some big ones. Thank you for the reminder about copyright - so many people just don't realize they're doing something wrong, and sometimes it's so easy to cross the line!


Let's try this again!!

Hi Blog Friends, Exactly 1 year ago I posted on this blog trying to explain why I have been absent for years... I was expecting little more ...