Saturday, 23 March 2019

I'm moving

Hello Friends,

Today I want to share some big news with you...

Yes, I will be leaving Kuwait in one month ....

If you ask why is the answer


Over the years I have realised that if I stay in one place or environment, I become resentful. I crave change ...

As many of you know , I'm an expat in Kuwait which means I live here on a work visa. My husband & I moved here for getting exposure of working outside my home country India and also some personal reasons. Since last few months, work has been stressful. Though I haven't written much about how living in Kuwait is like (mostly shared the good part) , I can sum it up in few words -Kuwait is one of the most expat unfriendly country . As work is major reason of us staying here, stress at work meant unhappy life here.

So in December 2018 , we started thinking of moving out, explored our options and resigned in January end .

I truly believe that if things are not so good at some point of one's life  , it is an indication that a change is required. After we have made the change and are happier , we realise that it was God's way up of telling us -get up and make a change . It can be a change in life style, job, attitude , physical can be anything.

We are moving out of Kuwait for growth in professional as well as personal life...As much as I enjoyed my time in Kuwait, I'm ready for new adventures.

Now if you are curious where I'm moving ..I'm moving to India.

Most of the people I know here are saying "Oh you are moving back to India ?"

Well physically I'm moving to my home country but I personally believe -In life you never move back only moves forward.

I can't describe how excited I'm about this new innings of my life. I know life in Kuwait was too comfortable, I may not be able to have some of the comforts in India but I want to challenge myself.

Most of the people I have shared the news with, have been supportive and understand my desire to move but there are people who have passed judgmental remarks on why they think it's so easy for me to move.So for the people who think its easy for me to move from one country to another because I don't have a kid or have enough bank is what I feel.

I know you may be thinking , what is this whole fuss about challenges, she is moving to her home country.. I will share about this in my post when I settle down in my new house 😉.

I understand that things are not gonna change between my blog friends and me as we met thru blog which is a virtual land . But I'm sure you are gonna miss my life updates in Kuwait ..aren't you?

Well I'm not going anywhere, I will keep posting, just the desk, chair and laptop from where I post will change.

So wish me luck friends ...


  1. Welcome mini. Have a pleasant move.
    best of luck for your new innings.

  2. Wishing you much success on the next phase of your life!

  3. Wishing you all the best and a good new beginning! I am looking forward to seeing your updates from your new premises and life in India which to me is more "exotic" than Kuwait, and more beautiful. Maybe because I love colours, crafts and music and food of India, who knows. Ok, you don't have to explain your husband's and your decisions to anyone and do not accept bad remarks. One's life is one's own! My regards and best wishes! AriadnefromGreece!

  4. Good for you; life's too short to spend it miserably forcing yourself to work. I like your Kuwait updates because it's not a place I hear a lot about but I like to hear about India too. G'luck on the move; here's hoping it goes totally smooth.

  5. I wish you much luck in your move. I agree you should be happy and go wherever you need to go to be happy. I wish you much happiness in your new place. I look forward to hearing your journey no matter where you post from.

  6. Wishing you and your husband good luck on your move. How exciting!! I will for sure miss your posts on Kuwait but I am also really looking forward to posts on India!!

  7. Wishing you good luck with your move! I hope you and your husband will be very happy in India!
    All the best,
    Barbara xx

  8. Wishing you a wonderful and happy time in your new home

  9. How exciting! I was wondering if you were going to say "I am moving to England or America so I can buy more cross stitch things more easily"!
    Are you moving to a part of India you know well or a different area?

  10. Oh goodness how exciting. Of course you are doing the right thing if you think it is time for a change and your work is causing stress. My daughter lived in three different countries during 12 years before returning here to Spain. I wish you and your husband every best wish for the future and hope the move will go as well as possible. Keep us posted.

  11. Good luck with your move. You do need to be happy we only get one shot at this thing called life!!!

  12. Wishing you all the best in your adventures in moving, I hope everything goes well for you and you don't miss out on too much stitching! And now we'll get to see India, great!

  13. Wow! That is quite an announcement! I wish you all the best in this new chapter of your life :) Hope the move goes smoothly and you will settle in to your life in India very easily!

  14. Safe moving! I will be in touch again via email! Yay! I might actually be able to send you mail to 🇮🇳! Carrie Anne xxx

  15. Good luck! Change is good. I wish you the best.

  16. I will surely be missing your updates about Kuwait, I think I've never actually learned anything about that country expect for your blog! But India is cool too, and I admire you for the courage to just pack up and move your whole life. Will you be living close to where you grew up, or in a different part of the country?


Let's try this again!!

Hi Blog Friends, Exactly 1 year ago I posted on this blog trying to explain why I have been absent for years... I was expecting little more ...