Friday, 15 March 2019

Gifted Gorgeousness SAL March 2019 update & IHSW

Hello Friends,

It's that time of the month when we show what gifts we have been working on or/and what crafty gifts we have received. If you don't know what I'm talking about , check Jo's blog for more info. This is a easy SAL where you have choice to stitch any designer, color or pattern, just that it should be a gift for someone or gift from someone.

Not much to show this month as life has been keeping me busy, I have some news to share..wait for it...
The only gift I worked on this month is birthday card for my husband . 

His birthday was yesterday and I finished it today 😆.This year I didn't stitch a surprise for him , I told him when I selected the design that this is for your birthday :) . Well the design is perfect for him, he loves owls, but this pattern killed my mojo big time . You see the number of colors and back stitching bothered me so much that it took me 10 days to stitch this small a project. The pattern is from Lesley Teare's free Owl SAL but I have decided not to stitch anymore of the owls from the SAL.

 I may have been a day late in the birthday card but we did have a good birthday celebration . We invited some friends over and home cooked food was served. Everyone liked the food and the guests left by mid night.

Now to show some gifts I received for my birthday...

These gifts are from Tammy. Tammy and I are almost birthday twins and we have been exchanging birthday gifts since we met.  Tammy always gets me cross stitch gifts from her travels to USA, Jerusalem, UAE and Sri Lanka.  Thank you Tammy for the birthday gift and the travel souvenirs.

This week is also IHSW...time to be a hermit and stitch all weekend, something I wont be able to do 😀as I didn't stitch yesterday due to my husband's birthday celebration.
Still,I need to work on some quick gifts now, so its time to pick knitting needles. See you next month with another GG post.
Have a good weekend friends.


  1. Love your little owl finish. Sorry you didn't enjoy it that much. Sure turned out cute. Great gifts from your friend. Love the little freebie kit in that magazine. Too cute. Have a great weekend.

  2. Your owl is lovely. You received some lovely gifts too

  3. Cute stitching mini. Last year i saved the charts for the sun bonnet sue sal thinking it will be easy to stitch. But after started collecting the threads oh soo many color changes and for the time being i dropped the idea of stitching that. Your birthday gifts r lovely.

  4. Your owl is beautiful. It's a shame it was a stressful stitch; a collection of owls would look magnificent.

  5. Sweet owl card for hubby. A lovely selection of gifts from your friend.

  6. That's a lovely card you made! Sorry to hear you had such a hard time with it.

  7. Thanks for taking part in GG this month and a very Happy Birthday to your husband. The owl is cute but I am sure there are easier owls than that one to stitch!
    Lovely gifts from your friend too.

  8. Fun gifts from your friend. And your owl is a cute little guy.

  9. Your owl card turned out so cute! Glad your husband had such a nice birthday. And how nice to receive all those lovely birthday gifts--enjoy :)

  10. You stitched a beautiful owl, many happy returns to your husband.AriadnefromGreece!

  11. Your owl turned out so lovely but I can tell there is a lot of work to it! And such nice gifts you received for your birthday! I would love to see that heart with the crochet (?) up closer. It is so pretty!

  12. Oof, 10 days! I'm glad there are appreciative husbands in the world and Happy (late) Birthday to him~ I like your little stitched gift from Tammy too; those little kitties are really cute.


Let's try this again!!

Hi Blog Friends, Exactly 1 year ago I posted on this blog trying to explain why I have been absent for years... I was expecting little more ...